Come and see our stall this Sunday at the Round Table Christmas Fayre at Beau Sejour

Submitted by Steve on 23:17, 16th Nov, 2015 | 0

This weekend we are at the Guernsey Round Table Christmas Fayre which will be held at Beau Sejour Leisure Centre from 10am to 4pm on Sunday 22nd November 2015.

Entry to the Christmas Fayre is free and the GSPCA will join many local charities with a variety of gifts and festive games.

On our stall we will have GSPCA goods like hoodies to teddies, tombola games, pet supplies, pet stockings and much more.

We look forward seeing you there and thank the Round Table for organising this fantastic annual event.


GSPCA Amazon Wish List surprises and thanks

Submitted by Steve on 17:19, 16th Nov, 2015 | 0

We would like to say a huge thank you to the kind an caring supporters who have donated a number of items recently which will help in the care of the many animals at the GSPCA.

Over the last few weeks we received a number of packages at the Shelter and when we opened them they contained a number of brushes, buckets, cleaners, litter trays and many other goodies.

We recently moved into our new Multi Purpose Animal Welfare Building and many of these items are helping equip it and also around site.


THE BIG MOVE - out with old and in to the new

Submitted by Steve on 18:27, 5th Nov, 2015 | 0

Over the past few months the GSPCA team have been preparing and getting use to the new multi purpose animal welfare building.

It has already had a baptism of extraordinary use after 25 Slovakian puppies were isolated in its facilities when they were detained in August.

Over the past few weeks the GSPCA team especially Yvonne Chauvel, Helen Sharman, Anna Paint and Kim Marsh have been preparing sections for the BIG MOVE.


5 year old black cat Sooty finds his forever home

Submitted by Steve on 09:15, 4th Nov, 2015 | 0

Last week we highlighted the challenges we and other rescues face trying to rehome black cats.

Yesterday 'Sooty' a 5 year old male black cat managed to find a wonderful forever home and staff waved him off with his wonderful new owner.

We have a waiting list for new owners looking for kittens, but often struggle finding the older cats a new home especially if they are black with over half the cats either black or black and white at the GSPCA.

Helen Holems GSPCA staff member said "It was lovely to see Sooty off to his forever home yesterday."


Hedwig the short-eared owl heads back to the wild

Submitted by Steve on 18:05, 3rd Nov, 2015 | 0

On the first day of November the GSPCA received a very unusual rescue bird who had been found in the road in the south west of Guernsey.

An injured young short-eared owl was found in the road and brought into the care of the GSPCA.

Thankfully the bird had only minor injuries and after a few days of cage rest and a check over from the vet she was rung for identification purposes and released today.

Short-eared owls can only be found in certain parts of the UK and there are sightings of a few birds here in Guernsey.


Puppy picture time at the GSPCA

Submitted by Steve on 23:42, 21st Oct, 2015 | 0

Today we would like to extend a huge thank you to Liz Kerr who popped in to take professional group pictures of 24 of the 25 Slovakian puppies with the team and volunteers at the GSPCA.

One pup was out on foster, but the other 24 joined GSPCA staff and volunteers for their first family picture in a group.

The puppies which have been in the GSPCA care for over 7 weeks are very soon to be officially rehomed and the team have been working through the hundreds of inquiries and applications.


GSPCA’s multi-purpose accommodation opens with help from Sure

Submitted by Steve on 16:56, 16th Oct, 2015 | 0

The GSPCA’s latest animal accommodation has been put through a phase of testing and is now open thanks to Sure and other build partners.

Sure’s Community Foundation made a donation of £2600 to the project in order to become a build partner following an application for funds from the GSPCA.

The new building has space for over 100 animals at any one time and the pens are able to be arranged in different formations to cater for different species.


Please send details & add your firework event to our Firework Calendar to help pet owners in Guernsey

Submitted by Steve on 11:21, 15th Oct, 2015 | 0

Every year the GSPCA are called out and receive stray dogs and cats during periods of fireworks that have either escaped or run off due to being scared by the loud bangs they make.

Last year the GSPCA launched our firework calendar which is an online record of firework displays and events which pet owners can easily visit to see the upcoming occasions which could scare their pets.


We will soon know the outcome of the 25 Slovakian puppies at the GSPCA

Submitted by Steve on 15:15, 9th Oct, 2015 | 0

6 weeks on from the 25 Slovakian puppies being detained at the GSPCA, many are wondering the outcome for the 18 pups that after the court case remained the possessions of the individuals involved in moving them from Slovakia to the UK.

We are currently awaiting to hear from the law officers who will inform us towards the end of next week the outcome.

We are hopeful at the Shelter and indeed all involved that they will be allowed to remain here in Guernsey and we will disclose the information as soon as we are aware.


Volunteers Needed for the GSPCA Flag Day on Saturday 24th October at Marks & Spencers stores

Submitted by Steve on 23:38, 8th Oct, 2015 | 0

At the GSPCA we are looking for volunteers to help with Flag Day event on Saturday 24th October at two Marks & Spencers stores.

If you are able to help us out we would really appreciate it, please could you contact Sarah Ozanne at the Shelter with the time slots and places you can help with.

We are looking at 2 hour slots but anything is appreciated. The slots are:


  • 10am-12pm
  • 12pm-2pm
  • 2pm-4pm
  • 4pm-6pm


And same places as last year:
