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The GSPCA have many wishes and there are many ways to support our work, to see a few of these we have put together this page and links.
If you would like to help fund or contribute towards these please get in touch with GSPCA Manager Steve Byrne on 01481 257261 or email [email protected]
GSPCA Ambulance & Rescue Vehicles
At the Shelter we operate an animal rescue service 24 hours 7 days a week.
Sadly our main Animal Animal Ambulance has now gone well over 100,000 miles and many hours of service helping save animals and carry out our essential work has come to the end of their days and had to go to the garage in the sky. We are currently appealing for a new vehicles to replace this much needed van which helps ensure we can rescue animals 24/7. We are looking to raise £15,000 to replace with a model similar such as a Nissan NV 200.
If you can help please call 01481 257261 or email [email protected]
We have aset up a page to help raise funds for a new Animal Ambulance – https://giving.gg/donate/event/5897/Appeal-for-new-GSPCA-Animal-Ambulance
We have to thank Carey Olsen in 2011, Itex Rotary Walk in 2013 and Novamotion in 2018 for helping with vehicles which are used by the Animal Welfare team, Animal Collection Staff and Volunteer Night Wardens.
Due to the use of the GSPCA Shelter vehicles there is a need of a reserve and replacement animal ambulances to help provide this service such as a minivan or electric van which would be ideal for the tight lanes we often have to drive through and running costs.
Amazon Wish List Items Online or Buying Items Locally
The GSPCA always needs a variety of toys, equipment and feed which we occasionally source from Amazon due to the very economical prices. If you wanted to buy supplies directly for the GSPCA Animal Shelter then click on the link to Amazon below to find out what we need.
Before you do please ensure you are registered with Easyfundraising as you can donate without it costing you anything when you shop online. To find out more on Easyfundraising please click here.
When shopping online please check to see if you can help raise funds for the GSPCA through Easyfundraising and to find out more please click here. It costs no extra and is an easy way to raise funds for the GSPCA when shopping online.
To make a donation from our Amazon Wish List please visit -
Some of the items you can purchase online you can see on our Amazon Wish List or check out this list -
- Butchers (we use loads for the hedgehogs and dogs)
- Honey for the hedgehogs
- Senior tinned/pouch cat food or applaws
- Bird seed of any kind is very helpful
- Small animal feed
- Wood/paper based cat litter or thomas cat litter
- Fresh fruit and veg the animals love and we use daily - Kale, Parsley, Basil, chard, Cavolo Nero, Cress, coriander, carrots, spinach, raspberries and strawberries
- Fairy liquid (we use for washing oiled birds)
- Non-bio washing powder
- Surgical spirit
- Cotton wool
- Nitrile gloves (medium especially)
- Face masks
- Pump hand soap
- Bin bags
- Hand towel
- Loo roll
- Dust pan and brushes
- Towels
- Blankets
Laptops, Phones & IT Equipment
With so many IT programmes used by the team at the GSPCA we are always looking for laptops, iphones and similar smart devices to help with our work around our site. If you can help please do get in touch. With the new Microsoft system updates we will in the net year or two need to update all our IT PC's and looking for help and support with this.
GSPCA Biggest Build Appeal
26th Feb, 2024

The GSPCA are in the process finally to go to tender for the much needed facilities at the GSPCA.
Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said “The GSPCA is about to go to tender for the BIGGEST Build in our 151 year history.”
“We fitted a new Small Animal Unit last year, which we have some final touches being completed currently.”
“This had to be done ahead of the three new builds we wish to do which will be a Wildlife Hospital, new Welfare and Rehoming Kennels and Ferret Unit.”
“The Welfare Kennel unit to help dogs needing homes, house cruelty cases, strays and those emergency dogs needing our care as well as an isolation kennel area and laundry section for kennels.”
“The ferret unit will help house the many stray and unwanted ferrets we help each year and the Wildlife Hospital will provide facilities for the 3000+ wildlife we help every year.”
“It is hard to guess exactly the costs but we have made rough estimates and you can donate to a particular build online, or you can make a general donation to the builds and our work by visiting https://giving.gg/donate/charity/2/Guernsey-Society-for-the-Prevention-of-Cruelty-to-Animals-(GSPCA) .”
“The Wildlife Hospital without doubt is the biggest of the three builds and likely to cost around £2,000,000 and to donate to this build you can go to https://giving.gg/donate/event/4618/Please-Support-the-GSPCA-Wildlife-Hospital-Appeal .”
You can still donate to the Small Animal, Reptile and Bird facilities which cost approximately £100,000 and to donate to these please visit https://giving.gg/donate/event/8046/Small-Animal-and-Rabbit-Build-Appeal .”
“The Welfare Kennels will very likely cost over £500,000, and to donate to these please visit https://giving.gg/donate/event/9443/GSPCA-New-Kennel-Build .”
“Finally, but not least the first purpose built Ferret Unit will cost around £80,000, and to donate to these please visit https://giving.gg/donate/event/9444/GSPCA-Ferret-Build .”
“With the possibility of needing items to temporary house animals during the build the whole project is likely to cost around £3,000,000 and we really need your support.”
“So far thanks to some amazing donations and support we have raised nearly £1,400,00 towards these projects and we cannot thank all those that have donated enough.”
“There are many ways to support these projects and below are just some of the ways from being a Build Partner to Buying a Brick, making a donation to sponsoring a section and any support we would love to hear from you just pop in, call 257261 or email me on [email protected] .”
“Another amazing way to support our work is by just a couple of pounds each month can make a massive difference in helping the animals in our care and to find out more please go to http://www.gspca.org.gg/sites/default/files/Angel%20sponsor%20form%20special%202018%20new.pdf .”
“We really couldn’t do so much without the amazing support of our community and local businesses.”
“Help us ensure the animals of Guernsey have the bright and secure future they so much need and deserve.”
"This week at the West Show pop along to see us and the plans for these much needed facilities."
Wildlife Hospital
The GSPCA were recently delighted to announce that planning has been approved for a new Wildlife Hospital at the GSPCA and you can help this much needed facility become a reality from Buying a Brick to becoming a Build Partner.
Could you Buy a Brick? We can put the certificate and Engraved Brick in the name of a friend, in memory, your company or a loved one and there are a number of goodies you will get as part of this kind gift helping us build for the future to help wildlife in Guernsey.
We now have permission which includes demolishing a number of very old buildings one of which dates back to the 1940’s.
We really need your help. The estimated costs for the facility which are approximately £2,000,000 to build the GSPCA Wildlife Hospital and to remove the old buildings.
There are a number of ways you can help including the Buy a Brick such as donating to this much needed project or could your group, trust or business help in much bigger ways –
To make a direct donation please visit - https://giving.gg/donate/event/4618/Please-Support-the-GSPCA-Wildlife-Hospital-Appeal
To Buy a Brick in the new Wildlife Hospital and download a leaflet please click here - http://www.gspca.org.gg/sites/default/files/Buy%20a%20Brick%20Wildlife%20Hospital.pdf
To become a larger donors or as a corporate you may want to make a larger donation and become an Exclusive Build Partner and to find out more please visit - http://www.gspca.org.gg/page/gspca-exclusive-build-partner
You can donate by calling 257261, post GSPCA, Rue des Truchots, St Andrews, GY6 8UD cheques payable to ‘GSPCA’ or popping into the Shelter or our Charity Shop in Smith Street.
The next step is go to tender, but for those wanting to help in much larger ways here are the estimated costs for some of the facilities that make up the £2,000,000 –
- Demolitions £70,000
- Sub-structure £80,000
- Drainage £99,000
- Slab £160,000
- Roof £263,000
- External Walls £180,000
- Glazing to whole build £70,000
- Each rehabilitation room £40,000
- Central feed kitchen £35,000
- Each marine rehabilitation room and access to pool £30,000
- Rehabilitation Pool – to be confirmed
- Rehabilitation aviaries/pens - £15-20,000 each
- Receiving office where the public can drop animals off and they can be admitted and entered into the system - £25-30,000
With 9 seals currently at the GSPCA, Barnacle Bill the loggerhead turtle and over 80 hedgehogs, not to mention many other injured birds and wild rabbits you would think the GSPCA is extremely busy and you would be correct.
The new Wildlife Hospital will help house the 3000+ wildlife that come through the GSPCA doors each year and with our environment a major concern a facility that would help benefit future generations.
Steve said “The Wildlife Build is a much overdue build which is so required to help the 3000+ wild animals we help every year.”
“We just about to go to tender and we are very excited to be moving forward with what is a facility for the future to ensure the wildlife of Guernsey and surrounding waters and islands have the emergency care they really need.”
“Anyone wanting to know more about any of our projects please do get in touch.”
Small Animal, Reptile and Bird Unit
Firstly our donation page - https://giving.gg/donate/event/8046/Small-Animal-and-Rabbit-Build-Appeal
Larger donors or corporates may want to make a larger donation and become an Exclusive Build Partner to support all our build projects and to find out more please visit - http://www.gspca.org.gg/page/gspca-exclusive-build-partner
Sponsor all or part of this much needed facility –
The complete Small Animal Department - £85,000
Flooring - £25,000
The intake and isolation area – £11,000
The main rabbit and guinea pig room - £22,000
The reptile room £8,000
The bird room - £8,000
The room for all other species - £11,000
Each Intake or Isolation Cage - £650
Each Rabbit or Guinea Pig Pen - £1500
Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager continued “Each year we often help over 500 rabbits and over 500 other small animals, birds and reptiles.”
“We have seen a huge rise in unwanted and stray small animals in recent years and we desperately need a Small Animal Unit.”
“The purpose built facilities for rabbits, small animals, birds and reptiles in different rooms with an isolation and intake area are nearly completed but we still need your support for this much needed facility.”
“This is the first time we have a proper Small Animal Unit as they have often had to be housed in various areas around the Animal Shelter.”
“The whole project is costing approximately £100,000 to help house the many of the small animals which previously were housed in buildings dating back to 1949, and which still need demolishing before we can build the Wildlife Hospital we really need your support.”
“To donate online you can go to https://giving.gg/donate/event/8046/Small-Animal-and-Rabbit-Build-Appeal or larger donors or corporates may want to make a larger donation and become an Exclusive Build Partner and to find out more please visit - http://www.gspca.org.gg/page/gspca-exclusive-build-partner .”
“Maybe your business, you or your company would like to sponsor an animal pen or room which start from £650.”
“Anyway you can help us help what are often to referred to as the forgotten pets is hugely appreciated.”
“With over 30 rabbits in need of homes, hamsters, rats, lizards, birds and so many more please help us this Easter to build this much needed facility.”
To donate online https://giving.gg/donate/event/8046/Small-Animal-and-Rabbit-Build-Appeal
You can donate by calling 257261, post GSPCA, Rue des Truchots, St Andrews, GY6 8UD cheques payable to ‘GSPCA’ or popping into the Shelter or our Charity Shop in Smith Street.
Become an Exclusive Build Partner and to find out more please visit - http://www.gspca.org.gg/page/gspca-exclusive-build-partner
To see a short VT on our appeal - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AP6zv6jMap0
Kennel Build
Steve continued “The GSPCA helps hundreds of dogs every year from strays to cruelty cases, unwanted pets looking for homes to those needing our emergency care, those owned from those fleeing domestic violence to those needing quarantine.”
“Due to the Wildlife Hospital Build we will be loosing 10 kennels on site as well as a laundry room so we are looking to build much needed new facilities.”
“The building will have 12 kennels split into 4 sections allowing us to isolate poorly animals when needed.”
“It will also include grooming and washing facilities for the dogs in our care, which is much needed and also a laundry room with additional bedding storage which we are currently lacking.”
“There are many ways to support this much needed facility.”
The build is estimated to cost approximately £500,000 and if you could towards it in any ways here are the approximate costs for options for sponsorship –
- Demolition £40,000
- Sub-structure £40,000
- Drainage £30,000
- Slab £20,000
- Roof £30,000
- External Walls £25,000
- Glazing to whole build £20,000
- Each Kennel £20,000
- Grooming Room £20,000
- Laundry Room £20,000
- Bedding Store £15,000
Other ways to support the much needed kennel build include
Donating directly - https://giving.gg/donate/event/9443/GSPCA-New-Kennel-Build
You can donate by calling 257261, post GSPCA, Rue des Truchots, St Andrews, GY6 8UD cheques payable to ‘GSPCA’ or popping into the Shelter or our Charity Shop in Smith Street.
Becoming an Exclusive Build Partner http://www.gspca.org.gg/page/gspca-exclusive-build-partner
Ferret Build
The GSPCA helps dozens of ferrets every year from strays to unwanted and even those that aren’t cared for properly.
The GSPCA has never had a purpose built ferret building and to look to the future this is something that is very much needed to help the many ferrets needing care in Guernsey.
The whole project is estimated to cost £85,000and to sponsor part of the build these are the estimated costs –
- Build - £60,000
- Base - £15,000
- Drainage - £5,000
- Electrics and other costs £5,000
Each pen would cost approximately £13,000 each or other ways to support are -
To donate to the Ferret Build - https://giving.gg/donate/event/9444/GSPCA-Ferret-Build
You can donate by calling 257261, post GSPCA, Rue des Truchots, St Andrews, GY6 8UD cheques payable to ‘GSPCA’ or popping into the Shelter or our Charity Shop in Smith Street.
Becoming an Exclusive Build Partner http://www.gspca.org.gg/page/gspca-exclusive-build-partner
Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said “We do have three reasonable sized pens for ferrets but we really need much more room and capacity for them and we are hoping to build a purpose built facility for them.”
“We have seen some amazing facilities for ferrets in other Shelters and have found a fantastic company that can provide outstanding facilities and for 7 pens it would cost £85,000.”
“There are many ways to support this much needed facility and if you can help please do get in touch by popping in, calling 257261 or email me [email protected] .”
Green areas, Poison Garden, Memorial Garden & Chapel of Rest
We have some amaizing green spaces at the GSPCA and are always looking for help and funds to maintain and care for them.
Hedgehog Pens
Our current 100 hedgehogs are in need of outdoor rehab pens if you are interested in knowing more please get in touch.
Small Animal and Wildlife Pens
We are appealing for funds for hedgehog pens and wildlife enclosures and we would love to update our facilities. If you are interested in supporting this work please do get in touch.
Open A Charity Shop / Pop Up Charity Shop
We now have a pet room in the Relate charity shop in Smith Street, but we continue to look for premises to set up a satellite charity shop. With increases costs a charity shop would help bring income to support the Animal Welfare work we do every day to help care for the animals of Guernsey.
To run the GSPCA we have to raise £3000 a day to help rescue, rehabilitate, reunite strays, rehome and release wildlife back to the wild over 3,000 animals a year.
If you have a premises and would be happy for the GSPCA to occupy it for a short or long period of time as a charity shop, please get in touch with the GSPCA Manager Steve Byrne.
Support with our Sponsorship Scheme For Kennels/Cattery/Small Animals
We have launched our Angel Pen Pal Sponsorship scheme which is a monthly giving scheme to help care for the many animals at the GSPCA.
We would love a partner to help promote and market this animal pen and kennel sponsorship initiative.
We would love to find the following sponsorship to help promote this scheme -
Leaflets & posters - £1000
Leaflet holders and advertisement - £800
Car stickers - £500
Plaque board and plaques - £500
Total £2300 + Marketing
To sponsor an animal pen, kennel or unit please download the form please visit http://www.gspca.org.gg/about/angel-sponsorship-scheme-animals-needing-guernseys-everlasting-love
For corporate sponsors please visit - http://www.gspca.org.gg/about/how-your-business-can-help-gspca-corporate-sponsorship
The scheme is up and running, but we are looking for a sponsor to help promote, advertise and support the costs. If you or your business is interested please do get in touch.
To find out more on how to sponsor a kennel, animal pen or the wildlife unit please click here to help support animals in Guernsey.
Rescue & Rehabilitation Equipment
At the GSPCA Animal Shelter we are always looking at renewing and replacing equipment to help rescue and rehabilitate animals.
Here are examples of equipment and their costs with postage -
Graspers (dog and cat) - £200
Feral cat traps - £220
Wildlife/Cat scales - £150
Dog/Seal scales - £250
Stretcher - £150
Safety Collars, leads & muzzles - From £5 each
Throw and walk net - £200
Heat pads - £20 each
Intensive Care Units - £500 each
Summer Cabin - £2500
Board/Benches - £1500
Total – £4000
We would like to thank the Sure Community Foundation Grant for their help with a grant of £1000 towards the work of this project, St Andrews Floral Group for their help and Pet Tributes for their donation of £75.
Please contact Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager on 01481 257261 or email [email protected] for more details.
Help us with our onsite Conservation Work
The GSPCA are appealing for help and support with the projects on site and with improving the wildlife rehabilitation facilities at the Animal Shelter.
Some of the projects include:
- Improving the pond on site to make deeper sections and a pond dipping area for children
- Improving the fields on site and moving soil
- Making a new bank (pending planning permission)
- Repairing a retaining wall
- Tiling the seal and turtle wildlife rehabilitation area
- Tiling the floor in the wildlife and hedgehog unit
- Placing a new floor in the wildlife hospital area
- Replanting the hanging baskets and planters around site
- Planting hedging
- Providing a picnic area
- Improving the memorial garden
- Putting bird nesting and box boxes around site
- Building a larger pool for the seals and oiled birds
- Putting path ways for visitors
- Landscaping and much more.......
St Andrews Floral Group helped us to raise donations from Situations Recruitment, the Co-op Eco Fund and Men of the Trees, RSPB and we are hugely grateful to all involved and helped so far. Some of the volunteers that have helped on site at the GSPCA include Situations Recruitment, RBS, Elizabeth College, Waitrose, the Probation Service, RSPB, Northern Trust, Medical Specialist Group, staff from Quex Gardens and of course the St Andrews Floral Group volunteers as well as many, many others.
Much of this work is not only to help wildlife locally but we have been opening the site much more to visitors to enjoy.
If you would like to get involved or like to support us in improving the grounds or facilities you can email the GSPCA Manager [email protected]
To see some of the previous stories of those that have helped with the projects so far please go to - http://www.gspca.org.gg/search/node/floral
If you would like to donate online please click the paypal link below and reference 'St Andrews Floral Group help the GSPCA' so we can allocate the funds to the project
Some other ongoing wishes and projects -
- We need panels to help keep the outside cat pens dry during wet weather days - £1500
- We would like to decorate the cat pen doors with flowers, insects and birds - £500
- We would like a second cremation facility - £30,000
- The next build phase will hopefully include reception, pet birds and others after the BIG BUILD
- Safety porches on some of our enclosures
- Welding and fixing some of our barriers
- Update our disabled toilet and provide a baby change area
- Painiting a large number of buildings
- New fencing
- Building a poultry area
- Stair case to the training room (£10,000)
- New phone system
Please help us make these dreams come true to help the 3000+ animals that come through our doors every year.