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At the GSPCA we have teamed up with St Andrews Floral Group who are helping us with the conservation work on site.
Through the work being carried out since the Summer of 2015 it has been recognised with the following awards
Guernsey Floral Group - Young Peoples Award – 4th Guernsey Beavers for their work at the GSPCA - 2016
Guernsey Floral Group - Ossie Falla Memorial Award – Floral Andrews for their work at the GSPCA - 2016
Insurance Corporation Conservation Awards Peter Walpole's People's Choice - 2016
The GSPCA and St Andrews Floral Group are appealing for help and support with the projects on site and with improving the wildlife rehabilitation facilities at the Animal Shelter.
Some of the projects include:
- Improving the pond on site to make deeper sections and a pond dipping area for children
- Improving the fields on site and moving soil
- Making a new bank (pending planning permission)
- Repairing a retaining wall
- Tiling the seal and turtle wildlife rehabilitation area
- Tiling the floor in the wildlife and hedgehog unit
- Placing a new floor in the wildlife hospital area
- Replanting the hanging baskets and planters around site
- Planting hedging
- Providing a picnic area
- Improving the memorial garden
- Putting bird nesting and box boxes around site
- Building a larger pool for the seals and oiled birds
- Putting path ways for visitors
- Landscaping and much more.......
So far St Andrews Floral Group have managed to raise donations from Situations Recruitment, the Co-op Eco Fund and Men of the Tress, RSPB and we are hugely grateful to all involved and helped so far. Some of the volunteers that have helped on site at the GSPCA include Situations Recruitment, RBS, Elizabeth College, Waitrose, the Probation Service, RSPB, Northern Trust, Medical Specialist Group, staff from Quex Gardens and of course the St Andrews Floral Group volunteers as well as others.
Much of this work is not only to help wildlife locally but we will also be opening the site much more to visitors to enjoy.
If you would like to get involved or like to support us in improving the grounds or facilities you can email the GSPCA Manager [email protected] or Ann Wragg from St Andrews Floral Group [email protected]
To see the GSPCA Wish List please click here.
To visit the Little Tree Project and Guernsey Trees for Life website please go to http://www.trees.gg/
To visit the Green Legacy Guernsey website please go to http://www.greenlegacyguernsey.org.uk/
To see some of the previous stories of those that have helped with the projects so far please go to - http://www.gspca.org.gg/search/node/floral
A new St Andrews Floral Group web page is being designed
To visit the RSPB Guernsey Group page please go to - http://www.rspbguernsey.co.uk/
If you would like to donate online please click the paypal link below and reference 'St Andrews Floral Group help the GSPCA' so we can allocate the funds to the project.