We are looking at holding a number of other courses and training sessions during 2022/23 and these will be publicised as soon as dates are set.

Dog and Cat Emergency First Aid Training

The dates for the first aid courses are:

Cat First Aid 6.30pm - 8.45pm Tuesday 20th May 2025 - Ref - Cat20/5

Dog First Aid 6.30pm - 8.45pm Wednesday 28th May 2025 - Ref - Dog28/5

All first aid courses are a minimum £25 donation and you must book your place by 5pm before the course.

Within the sessions you get the chance to learn about what to do if you were faced with an emergency situation with your dog or cat.  All participants receive handouts, a few goodies and a certificate.

To book your place call 01481 257261 or pay via the paypal link below using the reference code so we are aware which you would like to attend.


Pet Bereavement Training for Bailiwick Pet Professionals and Volunteers

Recently the GSPCA and Guernsey Bereavement Service teamed up for the third time recently to provide a training session in Pet Bereavement for those working or volunteering in the animal care industry in the Bailiwick of Guernsey.

The aim of the evening was to educate the many volunteers and staff across the Bailiwick help those pet owners with the loss of their beloved pet. We are hoping to put on another course in the future and please send us your details if you are interested.

For more details please call 01481 257261 or email [email protected]

To see more on Pet Bereavement on the GSPCA website please go to – http://www.gspca.org.gg/services/pet-bereavement-advice-page

To visit the Guernsey Bereavement Service website please go to - http://www.guernseybereavementservice.com/


Dog Training at the GSPCA

We hold regular dog and puppy training classes at the GSPCA Animal Shelter and for more details please click here.


If you are 13 or over you can volunteer for the GSPCA and to find out more please click here for details.

If you are under 13 and would like to help why not check out our fund raising page by clicking here.

If you would like to volunteer then you are welcome to come up to one of our inductions at the Shelter to find out how you can help animals in Guernsey.  For more details please email [email protected] 

The Volunteer Induction Evenings for 2017 take place on a variety of dates and times over the next year and to find out more please click here for details..

Animal Care Course

At the GSPCA we do team up with the WEA on occasions to run animal care courses.

For more details please click here.

Oiled Bird Training

At the GSPCA we are looking at the possibility of holding an oiled bird course at the GSPCA Animal Shelter in case of a local disaster were to hit our shores.  The training would involve the basics in how to assist the trained GSPCA staff in handling, collection and washing of the birds and we would then ask for your details to be placed on an emergency list for if your skills were required.  To register your details please email [email protected]

Anxious about Dogs?

Do you get anxious or scared if there is a dog nearby?

Do you avoid places or situations because of this?

Would you like to change this?

If you have answered “yes” to these questions, then an event will be announced soon.

The GSPCA in collaboration with the Health and Social Services Department will be running a half day Dog Phobia Workshop at the Animal Shelter.

The event is designed to help those with a phobia of dogs to carefully and gradually reduce their anxieties and is based on the most  up-to-date  research on phobia and anxiety treatment.

To register your details for the next Workshop please email:

Contact Dr James Murray on 701441.

School and Educational Talks for Groups

To find out more please click here to find out about our Education page.