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This June animal rescues are asking to you to ‘Petorate’ your garden, front window or car with cuddly toys, animal scarecrows, pet pictures or even your animal ornaments to show your support to the many animal charities battling through the Covid-19 pandemic we all face.
With many of us at home we all need to bring some fun to our community and brighten each others day. Decorating your home, garden or car with toy animals, pictures or ornaments is a fantastic way to show your support to animals in need and bring a smile to passers by.
The GSPCA who is a member of the Association of Dogs and Cats Homes (ADCH) and animal rescues across the UK, Ireland, Isle of Man, Jersey and Guernsey really need your support as each struggles through the coronavirus crisis to raise funds and care for tens thousands of animals.
The ADCH is a membership organisation made up of 150 charities across these jurisdictions and with a further 1,050 animal charities the ADCH Coronavirus Emergency Appeal has been launched to help those charities in most need.
While you #PetorateToCelebrate you can support these amazing organisations working 24/7 to help animals in your community. You can really help make a huge difference to those most in need by promoting or donating to the ADCH Coronavirus Emergency Appeal or by supporting your local animal charity.
Your local ADCH member in Guernsey is the GSPCA and we have our #GSPCACoronavirusCrisisAppeal which you can donate online by visiting – or check out their website for many other amazing ways to support their vital work –
When you have your #PetorateToCelebrate display up we really want to see your pictures ideally with the hashtag #PetoratetoCelebrate
The GSPCA has a facebook page set up to see your pictures of your display or you can email them to and from these we will chose a local winner which will be sent on to the ADCH to chose a overall winner from across the British Isles and Ireland.
To enter your pictures you can visit the GSPCA facebook page by going to - Or email to –
To download a poster to help support #PetorateToCelebrate please click here
Steve Byrne ADCH Trustee & GSPCA Manager said “Can you help us #PetorateToCelebrate this June.”
“With animal charity staff and volunteers working around the clock across the country caring for tens of thousands of animals they really need your support and this is a fun way to show how much you care for animals in rescue.”
“The ADCH have launched the ADCH Coronavirus Emergency Appeal to help those charities in most need and we welcome all donations to this urgent appeal but equally we really want you to support our #GSPCACoronavirusCrisAppeal here in Guernsey.”
“We would really love to see displays across the British Isles and Ireland highlighting the work of animal rescue and that animal charities need support during these difficult days.”
Lorna Chadwick GSPCA Animal Welfare Manager and ADCH said “This June we really want Guernsey to #PetorateToCelebrate animals in Guernsey.”
“We all need a bit of fun brought to the windows and gardens of our homes as we move through the phases of lockdown and we really want you to decorate your windows and gardens with your toy animals, animal ornaments or drawings to promote the work of the GSPCA and other animal charities that are working 24/7 helping those in need.”
“With fund raisers cancelled, shops closed and so few animals boarding, raising the £2000 a day to run the GSPCA has become a huge challenge during these difficult days.”
“#PetorateToCelebrate is a great way for those that love animals so much to promote the work of the GSPCA and other animal charities across the British Isles and show your support from your own home.”
Steve continued “When you have your garden, window or car decorated we want to see you pictures on our GSPCA facebook page to enter our #PetoratetoCelebrate competition.”
“The best of these we will send to the ADCH to chose a National winner.”
“#PetorateToCelebrate is all about raising awareness of animal charities in need, having some fun and spreading the important message that animal charities are in desperate need of your support.”
“We really need your support in Guernsey with our #GSPCACoronavirusCrisisAppeal and nationally the ADCH Coronaviurs Crisis Appeal is helping animal charities that are in most need.”
“During a time while nearly every animal rescue has its doors closed to the public due to Covid-19 restrictions this is a great way to show your support to animals in rescue and you could not only help animals in our care you will be helping save animal rescues in need.”
“The idea has been shared with members across the ADCH and many are excited to get involved so we are hoping thousands of homes will get involved, have some fun and show support to the many animal charities working 24/7.”
“Whether your display is up for a few hours or the whole of June we really hope you will help us to Petorate to Celebrate.”
“To find out other ways you can help us here at the GSPCA please visit our website or call us on 01481 257261.”
Beckie Bailey GSPCA Animal Care Assistant “We are really excited to be getting involved with #PetorateToDecorate at the Shelter and in our own homes and we are really looking forward to seeing everyone’s displays.”
“It doesn’t cost you anything to get involved but all donations are really appreciated to our appeal to help all of the animals we help at the GSPCA.”
Ideas for #PetorateToDecorate –
To find out more on the ADCH please visit -
From all the animal charities across the British Isles we thank you for your support and really hope you’d like to support us with #PetorateToCelebrate this June as it will not only help save animals it will help save animal rescues in need.
This is a fun event to help animal charities and we ask that only toys, drawings, ornaments and inanimate objects are used and that no live animals are part of any display.
From all the animal charities we cannot thank you enough for your support.
In line with States of Guernsey advice please DO NOT visit the GSPCA if you are over 65, have an underlying health condition or have any symptoms of Coronavirus and only visit us if your visit is essential but before doing so please call us on 01481 257261 or email before your trip to the GSPCA to see if we can help without you coming to the Shelter. For the latest information and advice please visit
With huge challenges on our resources and a drop in income from boarding and donations please help us help animals in Guernsey with our #GSPCACoronavirusCrisisAppeal by donating online via -
During these difficult times help us help animals in need. From donating to Sponsoring a Pen, Buying a Brick for the much needed Wildlife Hospital to our Amazon and main page Wish List, holding a mufti day to a sponsored Christmas dip, here are some of the ways you could help give animals joy.
For lots more ideas on how you can support the shelter and the animals in our care then please visit our fundraising page
To see a list of our volunteer induction evenings which we hold each month and for more information please visit or call 257261
To find out more on trips, talks and our education work please email or call 01481 257261