Submitted by Steve on 16:29, 8th Jul, 2022 | 0

With hot weather the GSPCA always receives calls and reports from the public that have seen dogs locked in cars, dogs being walked on hot pavements, animals in direct sunlight and we want to remind all pet owners of the real dangers to their pets.

With the warm weather and direct sunlight, dogs and other animals whether in cars or their pens are potentially in a situation where you could kill your pet if it is left, regardless of the situation.

The GSPCA would like to remind all dog and other pet owners that they shouldn't be left in cars and those that have access to conservatories, green houses and other such environments need to be aware of the risks to their animals.

Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said "Many of us will be enjoying the warm weather and sunshine but at the GSPCA we have an important message for pet owners.”

“Every year we highlight how important it is that we don’t take our dogs out in the car when shopping, as those in vehicles are at real risk with the lovely sunny warm weather.”

“If your dog is left in the car, even if parked in the shade as the sun moves could put them at a real risk of heat exhaustion and which can does lead to death.”

“We cannot forget the risks to our pets as the temperatures rise and especially direct sunlight on cars, vans, green houses and conservatories."

"We urge all pet owners to stop and think and ensure that their pet is not put at in a life threatening situation with this lovely sunny warm weather."

"Every year we have concerns reported of animals at risk and we urge all pet owners to think before leaving their pet locked in what could be a potentially dangerous situation.”

“At the GSPCA we run Dog First Aid Courses and a Cat First Aid Course and to find out more please visit .”

Lorna Chadwick GSPCA Animal Welfare Manager said "At the GSPCA we do not want to see animals lives put in danger due to the hot weather and if anyone is concerned about a dog in a hot car or animal at risk please call us on 01481 257261."

“If anyone has any animal welfare concerns we are here to help 24/7 so if you are worried for an animals care please do give us a call or pop into the GSPCA reception.”

Many of us love to enjoy the sunny warm weather but we are urging pet owners to be mindful of their animals.

Don't leave your dog alone in a car.

If it’s very warm outside and you’re going out in the car, think very carefully about what you are going to do with your dog. You should never leave a dog alone in a car.

Many Islanders will be out enjoying the sunny weather, but please ensure that your dogs aren't left in your car or other pets put at risk.

It can get unbearably hot in a car on a sunny day, even when it’s not that warm. In fact, when it’s 22°C/72°F outside like it will be today, the temperature inside a car can soar to 47°C/117°F within 60 minutes.

Unlike humans, dogs pant to help keep themselves cool. In a hot stuffy car, dogs can’t cool down – leaving a window open or a sunshield on your windscreen won’t keep your car cool enough. Dogs die in hot cars.

We want to remind all islanders that in Guernsey if it can be proven that your dog is suffering you can face prosecution. You would also have to live with the fact that your thoughtless action resulted in terrible suffering for your pet.

If you see a dog in a car on a warm day please call the GSPCA on 01481 257261.

Heatstroke - early warning signs

Heatstroke can be fatal. Do everything you can to prevent it. 

Some dogs are more prone to heatstroke. For example, dogs with short snouts, fatter or heavily muscled dogs and long-haired breeds, as well as very old or very young dogs. Dogs with certain diseases are more prone to heatstroke, as are dogs on certain medication.

If dogs are unable to reduce their body temperature, they will develop heatstroke. There are some signs to look for:   

  • heavy panting 
  • profuse salivation  
  • a rapid pulse 
  • very red gums/tongue  
  • lethargy 
  • lack of coordination  
  • reluctance or inability to rise after collapsing 
  • vomiting  
  • diarrhoea 
  • loss of consciousness in extreme circumstances.
  • Heatstroke - first aid

If your dog shows any symptoms of heatstroke, move him/her to a shaded, cool area and ring your vet for advice immediately. Heatstroke can be fatal and should always be treated as an emergency.

Dogs suffering from heatstroke urgently need to have their body temperature gradually lowered:

  • Immediately douse your dog with cool (not cold) water, to avoid shock – you could put your dog in a shower and run cool water over him/her, or use a spray filled with cool water and place your dog in the breeze of a fan.  
  • Let your dog drink small amounts of cool water.
  • Continue to douse your dog with cool water until his/her breathing starts to settle – never cool your dog so much that he/she begins to shiver.
  • Once you have cooled your dog down you should take him/her straight to the veterinary surgery, but call first to find out their current intake procedures and so you can warn them you are on route

Top tips for warm weather

  • Your dog should always be able to move into a cooler, ventilated environment if he/she is feeling hot. 
  • Never leave your dog alone in a car. If you want to take your dog with you on a car journey, make sure that your destination is dog-friendly – you won’t be able to leave your dog in the car and you don’t want your day out to be ruined! 
  • If you have to leave your dog outside, you must provide a cool shady spot where he/she can escape from the sun at all times of the day.  Please remember that shade cover can move during the day.
  • Make sure your dog always has a good supply of drinking water, in a weighted bowl that can’t be knocked over. Carry water with you on hot days and give your dog frequent small amounts. 
  • Never leave your dog in a glass conservatory or a caravan. Even if it is cloudy when you leave, the sun may come out later in the day and make it unbearably hot.
  • Groom your dog regularly to get rid of excess hair. Give long-coated breeds a haircut at the start of the summer, and later in the season, if necessary. 
  • Dogs need exercise - even when it is hot. Walk your dog early in the morning or later in the evening. Never allow your dog to exercise excessively in hot weather.
  • Dogs can get sunburned too – particularly those with light-coloured noses or light-coloured fur on their ears. Ask your vet for advice on pet-safe sunscreen. 
  • Make an ice lolly or ice cream dog treat for your dogs to crunch and chew to cool down.
  • Please be mindful of the other pets in your care and where you keep them and ensure they don’t get trapped in places such as greenhouses and conservatories. 

By following this advice we at the GSPCA hope you and your pets enjoy the sunny weather.

Steve continued “There are many ways you can help support our vital 24/7 work and donate or raise funds for the hundreds of animals in our care.”

“With over 90 hedgehogs, 4 seal pups, dogs, cats, rabbits, ferrets, fish, reptiles and many birds we help over 3000 animals through the doors every year.”

“If you would like to support our Amazon Wish List and see lists of items that we use every day and things that we are appealing for.”

“If would like to help with wish list items you can call us on 01481 25721 or email [email protected] or the easy way to see many items we are in need  is by going to our Amazon Wish List .”

“We do promote buying items locally but shopping online can help raise funds at the same time as if you select the GSPCA through easy fund raising part of the amount through 1000’s of online retailers comes back to the GSPCA and it has raised over £2500.”

“To sign up to do this please visit .”

“Sadly Amazon Smile doesn’t allow Guernsey charities to sign up but you can go through easy fund raising to achieve the same donation.”

“As mentioned you can always chose to donate via local stores and the Amazon Wish List is a shop front showing some of the items we need but there are many others and we have published these on our Wish List page .”

“A gift of a tiny bowl costing less than a £1 to a £600 intensive care unit, every donation is hugely appreciated and really makes the team smile that there are those that care and want to support our work.”

“Another amazing way to support our work is by just a couple of pounds each month can make a massive difference in helping the animals in our care and to find out more please go to .”

“To make a donation you can go to .”  

“Something for your diaries in 2023 we are running a Puffin Parade and to sponsor a 4 foot puffin with the GSPCA and Autism Guernsey go to -

“We couldn’t do so much without your support.”


Donate by calling  01481 257261, by post to GSPCA, Rue des Truchots, St Andrews, Guernsey GY6 8UD or online

Puffin Patrol

In 2023 we are running a Puffin Parade and to sponsor a 4 foot puffin with the GSPCA and Autism Guernsey go to -

Sponsored Event

Why not create your own sponsored event or challenge -

For lots more ideas why not visit our fundraising page

Wish List

Check out our wish list page from the smallest of items to our biggest of projects there are many ways to support us -

To visit our Amazon Wish list to see some of the items we need to help the wildlife please visit -

GSPCA Wildlife Hospital Appeal

To make a direct donation please visit -

To Buy a Brick in the new Wildlife Hospital and download a leaflet please click here -

Larger donors or corporates may want to make a larger donation and become an Exclusive Build Partner and to find out more please visit -

Legacies & Bequests

By leaving a gift to the GSPCA in your Will really helps us to improve the lives of animals into the future.  After providing for those you care for, please consider leaving a proportion of what remains to the GSPCA it is so appreciated and makes a real lasting legacy.

A gift like this to the GSPCA ensures our animals and those in Guernsey will always have someone to keep them safe. To find out more please 

Gift Aid on Donations over £500

To find out about the States of Guernsey tax relief information on gift aid up to 2020 on donations totalling between £500 and £5000 please see the details by going to

2021 gift aid is from £500 and up to £7500 and here are the details -

To download the form to claim for 2020 or before please follow this link

Become a sponsor and GSPCA member

Why become an Angel Pen Pal Sponsor and support our work each month please visit -

To become a Corporate Angel Pen Pal form for your business to sponsor animals in our care each year please click here  

Share our posts and follow us on social media

Many of you will have seen us on social media and your support liking and sharing our posts is really appreciated, and to visit our social media pages please go to





Subscribe to our Supporters Newsletter

To subscribe to our supporters newsletter and find out about upcoming events and news please go to

In line with States of Guernsey advice please DO NOT visit the GSPCA if have any symptoms of Coronavirus and we continue visits to the Shelter for only essential reasons and to please call us on 01481 257261 or email [email protected] before your trip to see if we can help without you coming to the Shelter. For the latest information and advice please visit

With huge challenges on our resources and a drop in income from boarding and donations please help us help animals in Guernsey with our #GSPCACoronavirusCrisisAppeal by donating online via -

Below are our usual opening times but with the current challenges due to covid these are occasionally adjusted to ensure we provide the best of care for the animals and those needing our 24/7 help, in an emergency please call 01481 257261


Reception & Shop area

Collecting/Dropping Off Boarding Dogs & Cats

Viewing animals for adoption

Emergencies Call 257261 or the Shelter is manned 24/7

GSPCA Charity Shop in Smith Street


11am – 4pm

11am – 4pm

11am – 4pm


8am - 530pm


11am – 4pm

11am – 4pm

11am – 4pm


8am - 530pm


11am – 4pm

11am – 4pm

11am – 4pm


8am - 530pm


11am – 4pm

11am – 4pm

11am – 4pm


8am - 530pm


11am – 4pm

11am – 4pm

11am – 4pm


8am - 530pm


11am – 4pm

11am – 4pm

11am – 4pm


8am - 530pm


11am – 4pm

11am – 4pm

11am – 4pm



Bank Holiday’s

(**Varied times**)

**Possibly 11am – 4pm**

**Possibly 11am – 4pm**

**Possibly 11am – 4pm**


Closed unless advertised


Upcoming Events we are at and need your help -

Scarecrow Festival 23rd/24th July where we will have an entry.

Volunteer Induction Evening Thursday 630pm 4th August 2022

West Show Wednesday 17th – Thursday 18th August

North Show Wednesday 24th – Thursday 25th August

GSPCA Animal Welfare Seafront Sunday now planned for the 12th September -

Volunteer Induction Evening Thursday 630pm 29th September

Dog First Aid 6.30pm - 8.45pm Wednesday 9th November 2021 - Ref - Dog 9/11

Cat First Aid 6.30pm - 8.45pm Wednesday 30th November 2021 - Ref – Cat30/11




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