Submitted by Steve on 16:15, 26th May, 2023 | 0

The GSPCA are warning dog walkers taking their four legged friends to local commons of a current concern.

There appears to be large numbers of what we believe are thorny seeds from what is believed is the Erodium cicutarium also know as Redstem Storks Bill which get caught in your dogs feet and fur along many of the commons and grassy areas especially L’Ancresse, Port Soif and Chouet,


GSPCA advice to animal owners and what to do if you find animal during heightened procedures due to Coronavirus

Submitted by Steve on 16:22, 16th Mar, 2020 | 0

During these difficult days in relation to Coronavirus or Covid-19 as well as thinking about the health and well being of one another we also need to ensure the animals of Guernsey are cared for.

While there is no evidence to suggest that pets can be carriers of Coronavirus or can become ill from it themselves, your pets may be impacted if you or any members of your family test positive for the virus or are asked to stay at home and self-isolate. 


GSPCA ask dog owners to please take care

Submitted by GSPCA on 15:27, 12th Aug, 2013 | 0

The GSPCA often receive calls from distressed animal owners for a number of reasons and this year one that has been highlighted is that of dogs attacking other animals.

It is often reported in the press regarding dogs killing chickens that aren't controlled but it doesn't stop there. At the GSPCA we often have other birds, hedgehogs, rabbits and even cats that are reported to the Shelter that have been killed by dogs that aren't under control.

Some of the current legislation regarding Control of Dogs in Guernsey is:
