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Once again on Christmas Day the Best Western Hotel de Havelet kindly undertook some fund raising which included a bingo event in aid of the GSPCA.
The annual event is hugely appreciated by all at the GSPCA and we are so thankful for the amazing £196.63 raised by the Best Western Hotel.
Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said “We are hugely grateful to the Best Western Hotel de Havelet for their amazing donation of £196.63 from their Christmas bingo event.”
Once again on Christmas Day the Best Western Hotel de Havelet kindly undertook some fund raising which included a bingo event in aid of the GSPCA.
The annual event is hugely appreciated by all at the GSPCA and we are so thankful for the amazing £138.40 raised by the Best Western Hotel.
Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said “We are hugely grateful to the Best Western Hotel de Havelet for their amazing donation of £138.40 from their Christmas bingo event.”
Sunday night 28th April Charity Bingo at Cafe Amiti, Nouvelle Marataine in aid of Clic Sargent and the GSPCA
Eyes down sharp 7pm, 10 games of bingo, 2 flyers, bonus ball and a strip of raffle tickets, 6’s £16, 3’s £12.
Plus last man standing bingo and football cards during the interval, pop down and join us.
Cafe open for hot food, drinks & snacks.
For details call Mim Sarre on 07889 431888 for more info and she promises to behave calling the numbers
Tonight is Sunday night Bingo
10 games of bingo, 2 flyers, bonus ball and a strip of raffle tickets, 6’s £16, 3’s £11.
Plus last man standing bingo and football cards during the interval, pop down and join in the fun.
Cafe open for hot food, drinks & snacks.
This is a charity bingo night in aid of the GSPCA and Clic Sargent taking place at La Nouvelle Maraitaine at 7pm.
For details call Mim Sarre on 07889 431888
Bingo Night at La Nouvelle Maraitaine Sunday 11th November 7pm in aid of GSPCA and Clic Sargent
Sunday night Bingo - 10 games of bingo, 2 flyers, bonus ball and a strip of raffle tickets, 6’s £16, 3’s £11.
Plus last man standing bingo and football cards during the interval, pop down and join us.
This Sunday 7th October pop along for some Charity Bingo
Taking place from 7pm at Cafe Amiti La Nouvelle Maraitaine come join for a fun evening of Bingo in aid of the GSPCA and Clic Sargent.
As well as bingo there’s a bonus ball and raffle
For more information please call Mim Sarre on 07889 431888
Don’t forget eyes down at 7pm
If you would like to find out more on how you can support the shelter and the animals in our care then please visit our fundraising page
This Sunday night there is a Bingo night in aid of the GSPCA and Clic Sargent.
Taking place at La Nouvelle Maraitaine there are 10 games of bingo, 2 flyers, bonus ball and a strip of raffle tickets only £16 for 6’s or £11 for 3’s
Plus this week we’ve got a surprise new game, pop down and join us.
For more details please contact Mim on 07889 431888
The fantastic team organising the lovely event look forward to seeing you this Sunday 4th March 2018 with eyes down at 7pm
On Sunday a packed room at L'Islet Royal British Legion enjoyed a night of bingo raising funds for the GSPCA.
With over 20 games of bingo and cash prizes in three figures, over 180 raffle prizes to win and other games there were many winners with the many supporters.
The GSPCA are hugely grateful to everyone involved and especially to Carol and Maureen and many of the other ladies and callers that helped organise and run what was a very successful evening raising over £1000 for the animals at the GSPCA.
On Sunday 31st July 2016 at the Royal British legion in L'Islet a charity bingo and raffle is being held in aid of the GSPCA.
Tickets go on sale at the end of June and will be available for £1 each at the GSPCA or please call 01481 257261 or pop into the Shelter in St Andrews.
Doors open at 4pm and eyes down at 6pm.
We are hugely grateful to those involved and inviting us to be part of this wonderful event and would love to fill the hall which often seats up to 300 players.