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On Tuesday 18 February 2025 the States of Guernsey launched the following details and request -
‘The States Veterinary Office (SVO) is inviting islanders to take part in a survey on expanding Guernsey's existing licensing system for animal-related businesses and organisations. This follows on from the call earlier this year for local business owners to contact the SVO to make sure their views are captured.
Yesterday the States of Guernsey issued the following on their facebook media channel -
‘To retrieve the grey squirrel which has been spotted in the island, the States Veterinary Officer has asked a local pest controller to set up traps where it has been seen most recently.
We’d kindly ask islanders not to gather where the squirrel has been sighted as this will make the pest controller’s job more difficult.
We are very lucky that most of Guernsey's beaches are dog friendly during the summer months. Saying this dogs are banned between 1st May and 30th September on the following –
Petit Bot
Vazon (Northern end)
Port Soif
Dogs are not permitted on Lihou Island and Lihou causeway all year round.
In September 2009 the States of Guernsey agreed to change the way in which tax relief was given in respect of donations to Guernsey Registered Charities (GRC).
Previously income tax relief was only available to individuals who made payments under an irrevocable Deed of Covenant in favour of a Guernsey Registered Charity for a period in excess of 3 years; no relief was available to Guernsey resident individuals in respect of noncovenanted donations to Guernsey charities.
In summary, the system up to 2020 works as follows:
Earlier this month Candidates from the 2020 Election visited the GSPCA and over the 5 days we welcomed 23 of the 118 Candidates who kindly took time as part of their Campaign to visit us here in St Andrews.
Today we had the pleasure of showing Deputy Gavin St Pier around the GSPCA where Manager Steve Byrne show cased our work, introduced many of the team and explained the challenges we faced
At the GSPCA we are having to work very carefully in relation to Covid-19 as our work includes stray dogs from households that are carrying out their isolation time, animals being brought into Guernsey from both the UK and further afield, not mention our work at the borders.
We are often getting questions about animals and the rules here in Guernsey, especially in relation to transporting animals into Guernsey.
On the 8th September the GSPCA were invited along to the Environment Hustings to talk to the Candidates standing in the 2020 Election.
Steve Byrne GSPCA attended the event that took place at Les Cotils.
As it was the Environment Hustings the topics discussed were focused on the theme, but the GSPCA daily face a huge range of challenges. Some of these discussed included –
Anyone interested in the Strategy for Nature there is currently a display at Beau Sejour and tomorrow between 5pm and 830pm they will also be staff on hand to answer any questions.
To find out more please visit the States of Guernsey website by going to
The first pet cat in the UK has been confirmed to have the Coronavirus this week. Although this is the first confirmed case of an animal infection with the Coronavirus strain in the UK, there is no evidence to suggest that the animal was involved in transmission of the disease to its owners or that pets or other domestic animals are able to transmit the virus to people.