PLEASE DO NOT GO OUT LOOKING FOR DORA as the GSPCA have a good idea where she is and has a plan in place

Submitted by Steve on 11:07, 21st Jan, 2022 | 0

We are pleased to announce we have a good idea where Dora is sleeping and the area she is in and a member of the team has videoed her from a safe distance and we are putting a plan in place which includes helping the owner with a trap and camera.

It is really important not to scare her from this area so please DO NOT go out in search of her. If you do see her please stay well back and call us immediately on 01481 257261 and choose the emergency number.

She is very timid and nervous of other dogs and won’t come for food or toys.


STILL MISSING Dora Lost medium sized grey cross breed dog LAST POSSIBLE SIGHTING Footes Lane to the Rohais

Submitted by Steve on 17:17, 19th Jan, 2022 | 0

On Thursday last week a medium sized grey cross breed dog called Dora went missing in the Amherst School area wearing a blue vest.

We are appealing for sightings of Dora to be reported to the GSPCA by calling 257261.

Please DO NOT chase the dog as you may scare her from the area but instead report the sighting immediately.

Dora’s travels to date -

Thursday/Friday – Amherst School / Fosse Andre / Grammar School / St Pierre Park

Weekend/Monday – Donkey Hill / near GSPCA / Talbot Valley

Tuesday – Footes Lane / St Pierre Park
