Dora Lost medium sized grey cross breed dog in the Amherst School area wearing a blue vest

Submitted by Steve on 13:59, 14th Jan, 2022 | 0

Yesterday a medium sized grey cross breed dog called Dora went missing in the Amherst School area wearing a blue vest.

We are appealing for sightings of Dora to be reported to the GSPCA by calling 257261.

Please do not chase the dog as you may scare her from the area but instead report the sighting immediately.

Gilly McClean GSPCA Receptionist said “Yesterday we had a report of a mixed-breed, medium sized dog missing from the Amherst School area called Dora.”

“She is brown and grey in colour and wearing a blue vest.”


Amherst Primary School visit the GSPCA during GSPCA Purple Week

Submitted by Steve on 13:20, 14th Mar, 2017 | 0

Last month during GSPCA Purple Week celebrating 144 years helping animals in Guernsey the Animal Shelter had many visitors from local schools to find out the work that goes on 24/7 365 days a year helping animals in Guernsey

One of the schools to visit the GSPCA were Amherst Primary School from St Peter Port.

The group were welcomed by the team at the GSPCA in the training and event room before being taken for a behind scenes tour at the Shelter.


Thank you to Amherst School Fete and all that supported the GSPCA stall

Submitted by Steve on 10:11, 6th Jul, 2015 | 0

On Friday we were invited along to Amherst School Fete.

We arrived just after 4pm ready for the 6pm opening and had a lovely night raising funds on our stall to help animals in Guernsey.

We had many winners to the many games we took along and also lots of interest in our resident tortoise.

Over £400 was raised and a huge thank you to all that supported and the school and PTA for letting us take part.

Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said "We had a lovely evening at the Amherst School Fete on Friday and raised over £400 which is fantastic."
