Minnie the buzzard flying release thanks to the GSPCA - please support our Big Build Appeal

Submitted by Steve on 17:10, 29th Aug, 2024 | 0

On the 12th August the GSPCA Ambulance Warden was called who a poorly buzzard found in a field.

Sarah Langlois went to collect and rescued the bird who had a dropped wing and looking stunned.

Minnie as the bird was named was transported to the GSPCA where she has been cared for.

Yvonne Chauvel GSPCA Animal Care Supervisor said “On the evening of the 12th August GSPCA Ambulance Warden Sarah Langlois rescued and brought in a buzzard found in a field around 9pm.”

“We called her Minnie and she was very stunned with a dropped wing.”


First of 2022 and it is the BIGGEST seal release the GSPCA has done

Submitted by Steve on 16:27, 8th Apr, 2022 | 0

Just after 3pm today the GSPCA boxed up three Guernsey grey seal pups after months of care and headed to the South West of Guernsey.

Sizzle who was rescued on New Years Eve near the smelly pond in the Vale, Jagho Herman rescued in Herm mid December and Blueberry rescued at Fort Grey just before Christmas all extremely emaciated and with a variety of health problems have been nursed back to health, all more than doubling their weight and today saw them released back to the wild.


Peter the young kestrel rescued, reared, rung and released

Submitted by Steve on 16:12, 1st Aug, 2015 | 0

On the 26th June a very young, starving kestrel was found on a road in St Peters.

With no mother in site and traffic back and forth the bird was rescued and brought to the GSPCA in St Andrews.

He was placed in an intensive care unit and still had much of his down and not fully feathered due to his age.

Day and night he was hand fed by the team at the Shelter until he was fit enough to place in one of our rehabilitation aviaries.

Over the last few weeks he has built his strength and learnt to fly and forage for food.


Today is World Turtle Day - Remembering Myrtle who was rescued 11 years ago in Guernsey and returned to Gran Canaria

Submitted by Steve on 11:43, 23rd May, 2014 | 0

Today is World Turtle Day and the GSPCA is remembering this by reflecting on a Green Turtle the Animal Shelter rescued 11 years ago this year.

On the 13th January 2003 a live Green Turtle (Chelonia mydas) was stranded on the west coast of Guernsey.

Elliot Green and his son who were playing football and Mary Harrison discovered a turtle that afternoon on Grandes Roques Beach and reported it to the Animal Shelter.


Jimmy the Buzzard who was shot and rescued last week is rehabilitated and now back in the wild

Submitted by GSPCA on 19:40, 10th Oct, 2013 | 0

We are pleased to announce that Jimmy who was rescued last week after being shot by an airgun pellet has been rehabilitated and is now back in the wild.

If it hadn't been for the kind individuals that found Jimmy the Buzzard who has been sexed as female then she would of surely died.

Only days ago Jimmy was released close to where she was found. On route she was very keen to get back to the wild and quickly made off as soon as she had the chance.


Winnie the Kestrel released

Submitted by GSPCA on 12:45, 15th Oct, 2012 | 0

Winnie, a male Kestrel arrived at the GSPCA on 3rd October hungry and totally exhausted. He didn’t seem to have any physical injuries and so, after just over a weeks rest, warmth and good food, he was able to be returned to the wild.



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