WARNING TO PIGEON AND POULTRY KEEPERS Pigeon Paramyxovirus confirmed in Guernsey

Submitted by Steve on 12:08, 9th Feb, 2021 | 0

Pigeon Paramyxovirus has been confirmed in Guernsey. This follows investigations by the States Veterinary Officers into the high numbers of diseased pigeons from St. Peter Port that have been hospitalised at the GSPCA.

Last week the GSPCA reported on the huge increase in deceased and sick pigeons especially from the St Peter Port area - http://www.gspca.org.gg/blog/important-message-gspca-sharp-increase-sick-and-injured-pigeons


UK advice of Avian Flu in Europe - we are awaiting local advice for Guernsey

Submitted by Steve on 15:08, 7th Dec, 2016 | 0

The UK have issued this advice to poultry owners - https://www.gov.uk/government/news/new-measures-to-protect-poultry-against-avian-flu

At the GSPCA we are awaiting to hear on any local guidance from the Guernsey States Vet in the light of Avian Flu in Europe. 
