Ladies College incredible fund raiser donations and visit to the GSPCA #WithoutUs #WithoutYou

Submitted by Steve on 12:38, 13th Jun, 2024 | 0

Did you see what Ladies College did recently for the GSPCA?

On Friday 31st May they held a fund raiser day for the GSPCA.


Thanks to Guernsey Press for the lovely write up about Golf pro Alex Murrell raising £2,600 for the GSPCA

Submitted by Steve on 22:09, 4th Aug, 2022 | 0

Last month at the GSPCA we posted this lovely plea for sponsorship and support for a very kind person wanting to support local charities –

‘Please Sponsor Alex Murrell’s Golf Challenge for GSPCA, the Guernsey Blind Association & Guernsey Alzheimer's Association

Alex Murrell is raising funds for the GSPCA, Guernsey Blind Association ( La Grande Mare Golf Club Mens Captain's charity) and Guernsey Alzheimer's Association. (Lady Captain's charity)
