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Can you help us at the GSPCA with the preparations and repairs needed ahead of our BIGGEST BUILD?
Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said “The GSPCA is now through the tender stage and in negotiations in regards the BIGGEST BUILD at the GSPCA.”
“This is without doubt the BIGGEST BUILD in our 151 year history and we continue to fund raise and appeal for help, but before we can move forward we need helping hands.”
“We have a number of challenges to complete that we are looking for volunteers, volunteer groups, corporates and anyone keen to help.”
The GSPCA are in the process finally to go to tender for the much needed facilities at the GSPCA.
Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said “The GSPCA is about to go to tender for the BIGGEST Build in our 151 year history.”
“We fitted a new Small Animal Unit last year, which we have some final touches being completed currently.”
“This had to be done ahead of the three new builds we wish to do which will be a Wildlife Hospital, new Welfare and Rehoming Kennels and Ferret Unit.”