MISSING DOG ALBIE UPDATE – Albie safely rescued and home with his owners

Submitted by Steve on 16:15, 5th Jun, 2023 | 0

On Saturday evening the GSPCA had a report of a missing dog called Albie.

Albie the cocker spaniel had gone missing in the area between Icart car park and La Jaonnets bay.

Earlier today as Channel Islands Airsearch were going to help during a training mission around midday a report came in from the Icart area half way down a cliff.

The GSPCA headed down as did Cliff Rescue and the in-shore rescue team.

As Albie was located the CI Airsearch stood down and the Cliff Rescue team set up to retrieve Albie.


Captain Birdseye one lucky abandoned goldfish rescued from a hungry gull safe at the GSPCA

Submitted by Steve on 00:29, 11th Jan, 2023 | 0

Last week a very large gold fish was rescued from a hungry gull.

The gold fish was rescued near Gibauderie and despite his injuries is doing well at the GSPCA.

Yvonne Chauvel Senior Animal Care Assistant said “We are asked to help all sorts of animals but it is rare we are asked to help a goldfish abandoned in a bucket being attacked by a gull.”

“We have named him Captain Birdseye and despite his injuries he is doing well and if we don’t find his owners in the next 3 weeks we will be looking to find him a home.”


Kitten survives car engine journey - Rambo now Beau is doing extremely well after a near death experience

Submitted by Steve on 13:07, 1st Sep, 2016 | 0

Early last month a young kitten survived a near death experience.

A member of the public when out on a drive heard a strange noise coming from their car and when they stopped they discovered a young kitten who was barely old enough to be away from his mother.

The kitten understandably was extremely scared and bolted. Some time was taken in catching the young animal which survived a very dangerous situation and has been at the GSPCA for almost a month after Sarah Ozanne who was the GSPCA Ambulance Driver went out to rescue the kitten.


2 kestrels rescued in 2 days in Guernsey

Submitted by Steve on 16:34, 17th Feb, 2016 | 0

Last week 2 kestrels were rescued in 2 days.

The first bird now named 'Bradshaw' after the finder who is actually one of our Volunteer Wardens was found stunned in the road and is a young adult.  He was found on Friday on Braye Road and after a few days care he is now ready for release which will be done after all the checks have been completed.

The second bird was rescued on Saturday on L'Ancresse and is a much older bird that was found coated in oil.


Lucky the cat lives up to his name after being rescued by the GSPCA yesterday

Submitted by Steve on 18:19, 15th Apr, 2015 | 0

As Spring sets in the GSPCA see a sharp increase in the number of animals coming into the Shelter and needing to be rescued.

Yesterday we were called out to an address in St Peter Port where a cat had found itself stuck high up in a tree since Sunday.

Geoff George Animal Collection Officer arrived at the scene Tuesday morning and after making an assessment he called a colleague, Annie Janes GSPCA Animal Care Assistant to assist with additional equipment.


Loca the cat rescued from a bunker at Pleinmont

Submitted by Steve on 17:51, 19th Jun, 2014 | 0

Earlier today the GSPCA were called out to a cat that had been trapped in a bunker out at Pleinmont.

With a very small gap and no entrance the GSPCA tried calling a number other agencies, departments and groups to see what could be done.

Also at the Shelter a long grasper was constructed and in the second phase of the rescue additional staff were deployed to assist Geoff George the GSPCA Animal Collection Officer.


Winter Youngsters Safe and Sound in Guernsey but please watch out for those in need

Submitted by GSPCA on 09:10, 5th Dec, 2013 | 0

Despite the cold snap some of our wildlife and animals have continued to produce young here in Guernsey.

Only yesterday we were called to rescue two young pigeons which are now safe and warm in an Intensive Care Unit which was thanks to the Channel Island Christmas Lottery last year.

Also in the last month we have had two tortie and white kittens who have been called Sparkle and Glitter (we currently have a waiting list for homes looking for kittens) and a duckling which has been called Quack Quack.


3 Ladies in the Male Toilets in St Peter Port at 1am this morning

Submitted by GSPCA on 13:43, 18th Oct, 2013 | 0

Last night at 1am the GSPCA Night Wardens Matt Hill-Smith and Jen Bradshaw were called out to a call they weren't expecting.

The GSPCA were contacted by the police to attend the scene at the Men's Toilets at North Beach Car Park in St Peter Port to find three adult Hens perching on the lavatory surrounded by bread.

They were quickly captured by Matt and Jen who transported them to the GSPCA Animal Shelter where Annabelle Janes a member of the GSPCA Night Staff Team checked them all over and made them comfortable.


Nelson survives near death experience

Submitted by GSPCA on 10:46, 2nd Aug, 2013 | 0

In the very early hours of Tuesday morning a member of staff at the Harbour Authority spotted a bird struggling trapped in a pontoon that was close to drowning.

Thankfully he managed to stretch out to rescue the bird and rushed it straight to the GSPCA Animal Shelter.

The Shelter is manned 24 hours and on arrival Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager was there to accept the bird that was very close to death.

An intensive care unit was set up ready and Steve did what he could to try and get some of the fluid out of the bird.


It's not all just bunny hugging - A Volunteer Evening at the GSPCA Animal Shelter Wednesdy 17th July at 6.30pm

Submitted by GSPCA on 11:03, 11th Jul, 2013 | 0

The GSPCA helps care for and rescue thousands of animals every year and without our wonderful volunteers we really couldn't do it.

From cleaning kennels to fundraising there are dozens of roles for volunteers to help the GSPCA and next Wednesday we have our second Volunteer Welcome and Induction Evening.

With the success of the first last month which drew a crowd of 18 new volunteers to the Shelter the second is planned for 6.30pm on the 17th July.
