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The Dolphin Discovery Trail 2025 is quickly approaching and with nearly all collected a few dolphins have become available.
We recently launched a Dolphin Discover Trail 2025 facebook page which you can follow by going to
We are now appealing for final sponsors and artists to help and support with this hugely exciting event.
Thursday 20th February is Love Your Pet Day and we would love to see pictures of your pets loved pets
Valentine Day saw the GSPCA celebrate 152 years of helping animals and Thursday 20th February is Love Your Pet Day and we want to see your much loved pets.
Why not share pictures or videos of your animals with us on our facebook or twitter pages as we 'All Love Our Pets' and we love to see them.
It is rare for dogs to be with us looking for homes for any length of time but occasionally we see those that we find a challenge to locate their forever home.
Seb Goman Senior Welfare and Animal Care Assistant tells us “ This week, the Shelter bid a heartfelt farewell to Stewie, a special dog who had been in our care for one year and seven months.”
“When Stewie first arrived, he was very wary of strangers, but with time, patience, and the dedication of our staff, he made incredible progress.”
With 14 spaces per tour numbers are limited so book now to guarantee your place
Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said "This Half Term from the 22nd February thanks to Karen we have planned Guided Tours this and next weekend.”
“This could make a friend or loved one a fabulous gift or a chance to see much of what we do and learn our plans for the future.”
Did you see the recent launch of the Saffery Rotary Walk?
Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said “We are absolutely delighted that the GSPCA are once again one of the many recipients of the amazing Saffery Rotary Walk this year.”
“It is such an amazing event and we have some amazing news that the funds from the 2023 Saffery Walk to help with new aviaries are after mainly challenges finally up and about to be used.”
“The aviaries were especially made and there have been some challenges but they are now up and just in time for this Spring.”
On Thursday 30th January the GSPCA held its 137th AGM in its 152 year history.
John Knight GSPCA President opened by saying “Good evening and thank you for joining us this evening. We are just coming up to our is our 152nd anniversary on Valentine’s Day, and we are all looking forward to the year ahead.”
A number of apologies were given.
The GSPCA during our 152nd year celebrations would like to update on our two seal pups in our care.
To see VT of the seals and our work please visit
Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said “The GSPCA couldn’t do so much with out our incredible team.”
“From Work2Benefit placements to the staff, volunteers to supporters there are many ways to help us especially during the #GSPCAPurpleWeek as we celebrate 152 years this week.”
“One of the ways Work2Benefit and volunteer placements have been helping is preparing packs of kindling during these colder months which are on sale from unwanted wood and pallets at our Vedge Hedge stall for just £1 a pack at the Animal Shelter in St Andrews”