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The GSPCA during our 152nd year celebrations would like to update on our two seal pups in our care.
To see VT of the seals and our work please visit
Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said “The GSPCA couldn’t do so much with out our incredible team.”
“From Work2Benefit placements to the staff, volunteers to supporters there are many ways to help us especially during the #GSPCAPurpleWeek as we celebrate 152 years this week.”
“One of the ways Work2Benefit and volunteer placements have been helping is preparing packs of kindling during these colder months which are on sale from unwanted wood and pallets at our Vedge Hedge stall for just £1 a pack at the Animal Shelter in St Andrews”
Last month GSPCA Manager Steve Byrne was invited to DHS for a wonderful surprise.
Steve arrived on a damp morning during the GSPCA Purple Week 150 year celebrations to meet Mark Munson the General Manager and some the DHS team.
Steve said “Although a very wet morning it was wonderful to meet the team at DHS during our 150 year and GSPCA Purple Week celebrations last month.”
“They raised an incredible £420 between cake sales and mufti days and as they are all animal lovers really wanted to support our 24/7 work at the GSPCA helping animals in Guernsey.”
This weekend the GSPCA held a very special event to mark their milestone of 10 going into 151 years.
Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager and Ball organisor said “On Saturday 10th February 2024 over 200 islanders and visitors descended on St Pierre park Hotel for an incredible night of celebrations to mark the 150th year of the GSPCA going into the 151st year.”
#GSPCAPurpleWeek – Incredible 9th seal pup Valentine arrives on the GSPCA founding day marking 151 years helping animals & meaning the most seals we have had at one time
Today on Valentines Day we have been celebrating our founding day moving from our 150th into our151st year and this afternoon the 5th Guernsey poorly grey seal pup of this season was rescued from Fort Le Marchant.
Aptly named Valentine he is the 9th seal pup to come into our care this season making it the most ever seal pups we have ever had at one time.
GSPCA are delighted to announce that Guernsey Post today launched the GSPCA 150 year Stamp collection.
Guernsey Post recent published ‘Guernsey Post’s philatelic bureau is delighted to release new stamps commemorating the 150th anniversary of the Guernsey Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (GSPCA). The stamps will be issued on 14 February 2024, coinciding with the culmination of the GSPCA’s year-long celebrations marking its anniversary.
At the GSPCA we have been helping animals around the clock for over 150 years.
We have incredible support thanks to our amazing team of volunteers and so many groups and companies that volunteer to help the GSPCA and the vast range of work we carry out 24/7.
Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said “This week we celebrate GSPCA Purple Week and moving from 150 into 151 years and as part of the celebrations last night we had a Volunteer Induction Evening.”
“We welcomed 12 new volunteers who are starting over the coming weeks and we were delighted to meet them all.”