Another stow away arrives in Guernsey – Maximillion the Madeiran lizard

Submitted by Steve on 11:10, 25th Feb, 2025 | 0

Yesterday was a busy day for stow away animals.

Not only has a grey squirrel been spotted yesterday there was also a Madeiran lizard found in a suitcase.

Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said “We never know what we are going to have to help and yesterday we had the surprise that a grey squirrel was spotted and also we had another non indigenous animal brought in to us.”

“An islander having been on holiday on their return and unpacking found a Madeiran lizard.”


Larry the Madeiran lizard in need of a home

Submitted by Steve on 16:26, 19th Sep, 2023 | 0

Looking to help a reptile in need of a home, well Larry the gecko that’s travelled all the way from Madeira is now looking for a home.

Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said “You may have heard about Larry who is a tiny lizard that hid in the bags of an islander and gave them a shock on their return from a holiday to Madeira.”

“He’s now out of quarantine and is ready to find his forever home.”

“If you can help Larry or any of the animals in need of a home please do get in touch.”


Madeira to Guernsey for one little lizard now at the GSPCA

Submitted by Steve on 14:43, 8th Sep, 2023 | 0

The GSPCA each year are called on to help animals that have travelled great distances.

Earlier this year we helped two snakes that snuck into the luggage of travels back to the Bailiwick one from Mexico and the other from Spain.

This week a Guernsey resident jumped when they saw a common gecko run across their bed that travelled with them from Madeira.

Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said “Every day is different at the GSPCA and this week we were asked to help a lizard that stowed away in a bag from Madeira.”
