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The GSPCA would like to extend a huge thanks to Condor Ferries this #GSPCAPurpleWeek for their support in funding to help us with housing while we carry out our BIG BUILD.
Through its Community Fund, Condor has helped fund the housing about to be used to house the many hedgehogs and wild animals in our care as w need to knock down the old facilities to make way for a much needed new Wildlife Hospital as well as other facilities.
Steve Byrne, the GSPCA Manager and all the GSPCA team are hugely grateful.
Yesterday for the first time in 5 years the GSPCA were able to return Jersey rescued seal pups back into their home waters thanks to Condor Ferries and all involved.
Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said “Yesterday was the first time since 2019 that we have been able to return Jersey grey seal pups back into the waters from where they were rescued.”
Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager gives an update “This mornings loading of the 4 Jersey seal pups thanks to Geoff, Danni and Luke went extremely well.”
“They were all loaded safely have made on to Condor Ferries who were extremely kind in helping with the transport in getting Jersey seal pups back to their island for the first time since 2019.”
“We are looking forward to the updates from Geoff and the BDMLR team on how the rrelease goes this afternoon and thank you all involved.”
Autism Guernsey and the GSPCA are currently organising the Puffin Parade for 2023.
The 60 fiberglass moulds have now arrived on island and we have had 36 delivered with the remaining arriving on Friday at 2pm.
Once all are delivered thanks to Condor Ferries and Ferry speed and we have collected paint donated by Norman Piette they will be handed over to local artists, designers and community groups who will decorate them.
With nearly all sponsored Autism Guernsey and the GSPCA are looking for the final few sponsors and any artists wanting to decorate them.
At the GSPCA we help 1000’s of cats every year but the numbers looking for homes have been decreasing over the years.
This has meant from time to time we have space in our cat pens and when we are able we help charities which are members of the Association of Cats and Dogs Home (ADCH) which are based across the British Isles and Ireland.
On Friday 29th October 2021 the GSPCA helped 5 cats from the RSPCA in Wales which were in need.
The GSPCA and Condor Ferries have teamed up so the local charity can continue to provide lifesaving care for young, sick or injured birds and mammals that are brought into the shelter each year.
Through its Community Fund, Condor has purchased three specialist incubators which will be used at the Animal Shelter for keeping new born chicks in a clean, temperature controlled environment to aid their development. The equipment also double as intensive care units, providing vital support for orphaned, injured or weak animals.