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With 14 spaces per tour numbers are limited so book now to guarantee your place
Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said "This Half Term from the 22nd February thanks to Karen we have planned Guided Tours this and next weekend.”
“This could make a friend or loved one a fabulous gift or a chance to see much of what we do and learn our plans for the future.”
GSPCA Guided Tours are back this Easter weekend.
With 14 spaces per tour numbers are limited so book now to guarantee your place
Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said "This Easter from the 30th March thanks to Karen we have planned Guided Tours.”
GSPCA Guided Tours are back this Easter.
With 14 spaces per tour numbers are limited so book now to guarantee your place
Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said "This Easter from the 30th April thanks to Karen we have planned Guided Tours.”
GSPCA Guided Tours are back this GSPCA Purple Week and half term to celebrate moving from our 150th into our 151st year.
With 14 spaces per tour numbers are limited so book now to guarantee your place.
To book please visit
GSPCA Guided Tours are back this festive period.
With 20 spaces per tour numbers are limited so book now to guarantee your place.
To book please visit
Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said "This Christmas Term thanks to Karen and I we have planned Guided Tours as part of our 150 year and festive celebrations.”
GSPCA Guided Tours are back this festive period.
With 20 spaces per tour numbers are limited so book now to guarantee your place.
To book please visit
Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said "This Christmas Term thanks to Karen and I we have planned Guided Tours as part of our 150 year and festive celebrations.”
This Monday we welcome back visitors to our first Summer Guided Tour of the GSPCA.
With 20 spaces per tour numbers are limited so book now to guarantee your place.
To book please visit
Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said "This Summer thanks to team member Karen Laneour Guided Tours restart as part of our 150 year celebrations.”
On Monday the GSPCA opened its doors for the first time in over 2 years for an Educational Guided Tour.
Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager met nearly 30 Brownies and their leaders at 630pm on what was a lovely sunny evening.
The tour started in the hospital department where some of the Brownies got to feed some baby birds and finished in the cattery.
Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said “It was lovely to take around the first Educational Guided Tour for over 2 years on Monday.”
This week you can see behind the scenes at the GSPCA.
We ask for a minimum donation of £7 per person and £5 per child, or £20 for a family of four or £18 with an Islands Mum card. In 2019 we have some themed tours which are £20 per child or £17.50 with an Islands Mums card.
The tours take around 80 minutes and you get to see in many of the departments, interact with some of the friendly residents and a variety of species. The special tours can take a little longer.
During the school breaks we run a series of guided tours at the GSPCA and we have now planned up to 2020 with some special tours for the children. You can also book a tour for a special event or birthday.
This coming Half Term is your opportunity to visit behind the scenes at our Animal Shelter in St Andrews and see the work being carried out.
We ask for a minimum donation of £7 per person and £5 per child, or £20 for a family of four or £18 with an Islands Mum card.