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On the 26th June a very young, starving kestrel was found on a road in St Peters.
With no mother in site and traffic back and forth the bird was rescued and brought to the GSPCA in St Andrews.
He was placed in an intensive care unit and still had much of his down and not fully feathered due to his age.
Day and night he was hand fed by the team at the Shelter until he was fit enough to place in one of our rehabilitation aviaries.
Over the last few weeks he has built his strength and learnt to fly and forage for food.
Yesterday Chris Mourant who rings many of the local wild birds popped in to the GSPCA to ring 'Peter' as we have been calling the bird and to then transport him back to St Peters to be released which happened on Friday around 6pm.
Yvonne Chauvel Senior Animal Care Assistant said "Peter was very young when he was brought to us and needed hand feeding as he should have still been fed by his parents."
"It isn't easy hand rearing any birds, but especially wild birds of prey."
"We try to be as hands off as we can and it is always a wonderful day when we can release them."
Sarah Ozanne Animal Care Assistant said "It was lovely yesterday to help Chris ring Peter the kestrel and wave him off to the wild."
"Over the last few weeks whilst he's been in the rehabilitation aviary we've been watching him and got some great videos."
Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said "It was lovely to see Chris ring and collect Peter yesterday as we have all worked so hard to save this beautiful kestrel."
"This time of year we have many young animals and birds in our care and it is never easy hand rearing any species, but wonderful when we get to the point they can we released back where they belong."
"If anyone wants to be part of our rehabilitation work they can join as an Angel Pen Pal sponsor which is a way to give each month to help the hundreds of animals in our care."
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To donate towards the many animals in our care, you can do so by:
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Or by phone 01481 257261.
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