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At the GSPCA we are having to work very carefully in relation to Covid-19 as our work includes stray dogs from households that are carrying out their isolation time, animals being brought into Guernsey from both the UK and further afield, not mention our work at the borders.
We are often getting questions about animals and the rules here in Guernsey, especially in relation to transporting animals into Guernsey.
The States of Guernsey have kindly put together this helpful advice
Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said “We never know when a stray animal arrives where it may originate from and even in recent days we’ve been dealing with animals like dogs which are from households that are isolating.”
“Although the risks are low we have to be cautious and ensure bio-security are at high standards at all times.”
“When we identify an animal from an isolating house we have to communicate the information to the finder of the pet to ensure they have washed their hands and that they take sensible precautions.”
“We then have to arrange the return of the pet in a bio-secure way which can involve a remote drop off to the owners home.”
“Finally we have to deep clean the areas where the pet has been and any equipment just in case.”
“At the GSPCA we continue to board pets from those traveling off island and even those bringing animals into Guernsey.”
“When boarding customers return to Guernsey they are not allowed to collect their pets on their arrival so we have to arrange a remote drop off and you can find out more by visiting .”
“At the GSPCA we ask all visitors to sign in so we are aware who has visited the Shelter and we have in place precautions around site to help prevent the spread of coughs and colds which includes regular disinfecting of high risk areas.”
“For those not aware we have had to close our onsite Charity Shop, the driving reason being the large increase in numbers of small animals and rabbits and we are looking to convert it into a small animal department and anyone wanting to support this project please do get in touch or donate by calling us on 01481 257261, at the Shelter or online .”
“Covid-19 has really affected us all and we are often asked about the rules in relation to pets from importing them to the risks to their pets and the States of Guernsey have kindly put together this helpful advice for all animal owners .”
“Another helpful page of information is on our site about transporting animals into Guernsey .”
“In relation to importing pets, at the GSPCA we are concerned about animals brought in from outside our borders, especially outside of the British Isles not just due to the risks of Covid-19 possibly on their fur or crate due to humans sneezing or coughing on them, but more importantly the zoonotic diseases not endemic to Guernsey that puts both our pets and human life at risk from leishmaniasis to rabies.”
“The Slovakian puppies that were ceased at our borders which had been illegally transported that we had in our care in 2015 were a prime example of animals without the proper checks, not wormed, vaccinated properly or cared for and were carrying a number of ailments that required a lengthy quarantine.”
“We are always very supportive of those wanting to rescue a pet and there are many UK rescues you can contact but with current lock downs it isn’t an easy process.”
“This week we have highlighted issues of unscrupulous individuals putting false adverts online trying to trick those looking for pets out of money and to get our good guide please visit ..”
“Often the best way to find an animal is to speak to your local rescue like the GSPCA, be referred by a friend, vet or a great place to look for rescues for dogs and cats is the ADCH website .”
“To see some of the animals in need of a home at the GSPCA please visit our website .”
“To care for the 1000’s of wild animals and many others in our care during these difficult days we really need everyone’s support and to donate to our #GSPCACoronavirusCrisisAppeal please visit , call 01481 257261 or by post please make cheques payable to 'GSPCA’ and send to GSPCA, Rue des Truchots, St Andrews, Guernsey, GY6 8UD.”
In line with States of Guernsey advice please DO NOT visit the GSPCA if have been outside of the Bailiwick of Guernsey in line with their advice or have any symptoms of Coronavirus and we continue visits to the Shelter for only essential reasons and to please call us on 01481 257261 or email before your trip to see if we can help without you coming to the Shelter. For the latest information and advice please visit
The GSPCA continues with all essential services and we plane to phase other services back into operation and to find out more please visit -
With huge challenges on our resources and a drop in income from boarding and donations please help us help animals in Guernsey with our #GSPCACoronavirusCrisisAppeal by donating online via -
During these difficult times help us help animals in need. From donating to Sponsoring a Pen, Buying a Brick for the much needed Wildlife Hospital to our Amazon and main page Wish List, holding a mufti day to a sponsored Christmas dip, here are some of the ways you could help give animals joy.
For volunteering information please visit or call 257261
To find out more on talks and our education work please email or call 01481 257261
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