Submitted by Steve on 18:15, 25th Jul, 2018 | 0

We are very proud to share that another one of our amazing team members Terry Buckley has been nominated for an award and this one being the Alexander Daniels (sponsored) Customer Service of the Year award with Guernsey Press.

Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said “Terry is always professional, helpful and caring and is a true unsung hero at the Shelter.”

“For over 15 years Terry has been on the front line of the GSPCA as our receptionist three days a week.”

“In that time she has helped tens of thousands of animals, their owners, finders and so many others.”

“Terry is extremely reliable and knowledgeable and we are very lucky to have her as part of the team.”

Away from the GSPCA, Terry is also heavily involved with the Guernsey Island Dog Training Club.

Steve continued “Terry is as highly thought of there as she is here.”

“Terry approaches all situations from hearing about cruelly treated animals to helping bereaved pet owners, reuniting strays with their owners to finding animals loving homes professionally and in a caring way.”

“Without public support, we could not achieve so much and Terry’s customer service helps us to aspire to do the best we can for all those who need our help in a caring and compassionate way.”

Terry was extremely surprised to have been nominated.

Terry said “It was such a shock when I got the call about the nomination.”

“I try to do my best for all those we help at the GSPCA.”

Voting opens soon so please keep an eye on the Pride of Guernsey Awards webpage and the Guernsey Press.

Other awards open for nominations are –

Pride of Britain Awards -

The Customer Service Awards -

The Queens Award -

To see the opening hours at the GSPCA please visit –

To see our upcoming guided tours please visit -

If you would like to help at one of our upcoming events or book a table at our Ball please give Michelle a call on 257261 or email [email protected]

To donate to the animals in our care please visit - 

To become an Angel Pen Pal Sponsor to sponsor the hoglets and support our work please visit -

To see our Wish List on our website please visit -

For other fund raising ideas and ways to support please visit -

Our next Volunteer Induction is on Friday 27th Jul at 330pmy and for details

To visit the details on the Urgent Kennel Floor Appeal please visit -

To find out how your business could help us at the GSPCA


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