West is Best - Pop by the GSPCA stall at the West Show this week

Submitted by Steve on 10:06, 12th Aug, 2016 | 0

For the fifth year in a row the GSPCA are attending the West Show which will be held on Wednesday 17th and Thursday 18th August 2016.

If you would like to help volunteer of support us we would love to see you on our stall.

If you can help please call 257261 or email [email protected]

Once again our stall will be full of great games, GSPCA goods and pet products.


Behind the scenes guided tours at the GSPCA Monday 25th July to Saturday 30th July - Book your place here

Submitted by Steve on 22:21, 20th Jul, 2016 | 0

With the schools breaking up for the summer we have guided tours planned next week.

Each term break we run a series of guided tours at the GSPCA with some special tours for the children. Don't forget you can also book a tour for a special event or birthday. For details on special tours please check out - http://www.gspca.org.gg/services/guided-tours-gspca


Hearing Dogs and the GSPCA team up to raise funds with a behind the scenes tour - thank you to all that supported

Submitted by Steve on 13:06, 14th Jul, 2016 | 0

Last night the GSPCA and Hearing Dogs for Deaf People teamed up to for an evening at the GSPCA to see behind the scenes, refreshments and a talk about the work at the Animal Shelter.

The tour started 6pm and those attending got to see the lovely grounds at the GSPCA and the many animals in the care of the Shelter.

With Olivia the loggerhead turtle soon to be flown south the group were lucky enough to see her having her evening squid.

After the tour of the facilities the group enjoyed a chat with GSPCA Manager Steve Byrne over a hot drink and biscuits.


Last few places, please book - Guided Tour, tea & talk at GSPCA in aid of Hearing Dogs for Deaf People & GSPCA tomorrow 6pm

Submitted by Steve on 11:39, 12th Jul, 2016 | 0

Tomorrow on Wednesday 13th July the GSPCA and Hearing Dogs for Deaf People have teamed up to for an evening at the GSPCA to see behind the scenes, refreshments and a talk about the work at the Animal Shelter.

The tour starts at 6pm and those attending will see the lovely grounds at the GSPCA and the many animals in the care of the Shelter.

This could be your last chance to meet Olivia the loggerhead turtle as the plans to get her home are being finalised.


Special guided tour shows off the GSPCA to visitors from the opposite side of the world - would you like to book a tour?

Submitted by Steve on 00:17, 24th Jun, 2016 | 0

On Thursday a group of 4 islanders with 3 visiting family members from Australia had a special guided tour of the GSPCA.

The group were shown behind the scenes and learnt from Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager about the rich history of the GSPCA and future plans.

From seeing baby birds being feed to young hedgehogs, holding tortoise to seeing Bonnie the seal pup and of course the highlight Olivia the turtle.


Happy Birthday Alysia McKane - another fun special birthday tour at the GSPCA

Submitted by Steve on 17:15, 20th Jun, 2016 | 0

On Saturday afternoon the GSPCA welcomed another lucky young lady and her friends for a special birthday guided tour of the GSPCA Animal Shelter in St Andrews.

Alysia McKane who recently celebrated her birthday with her younger brother and 6 of her friends got to see behind the scenes at the GSPCA and find out about the work of the Animal Shelter.

Arriving at 4pm the tour took well over an hour visiting and meeting many of the animals in our care.


Guided Tour, tea & talk at the GSPCA in aid of Hearing Dogs for Deaf People & GSPCA 13th July - 6pm - booking necessary

Submitted by Steve on 10:54, 15th Jun, 2016 | 0

On Wednesday 13th July the GSPCA and Hearing Dogs for Deaf People have teamed up to for an evening at the GSPCA to see behind the scenes, refreshments and a talk about the work at the Animal Shelter.

The tour starts at 6pm and those attending will see the lovely grounds at the GSPCA and the many animals in the care of the Shelter.

After the tour of the facilities the group will be provided with refreshments while having a talk given by GSPCA Manager Steve Byrne.

Numbers are limited and if you are interested please call Dawn on 01481 236999 £5 an adult £3 a child.


Happy Birthday Scarlett Le Brun - another fun special birthday tour at the GSPCA

Submitted by Steve on 13:09, 13th Jun, 2016 | 0

On Saturday afternoon the GSPCA welcomed another lucky young lady and her friends for a special birthday guided tour of the GSPCA Animal Shelter in St Andrews.

Scarlett Le Brun who turned 10 on Friday with her younger sister and 4 of her friends got to see behind the scenes at the GSPCA and find out about the work of the Animal Shelter.

Arriving at 4pm the tour took nearly 2 hours visiting and meeting many of the animals in our care.


Guided Tours sell out at the GSPCA - more coming soon and special tours available

Submitted by Steve on 23:28, 6th Jun, 2016 | 0

Last week during the half term we held tours around the GSPCA to see the hundreds of animals in our care.

Every Spring we help hundreds of baby birds, hedgehogs and many more wild animals and birds.

The guided tours took groups of over 20 each day behind the scenes and due to the numbers of animals many of the tours took over 2 hours.

We asked for a minimum donation of £5 per person and £3 per child, or £15 for a family of four and many gave additional donations and bought items in the shop and charity shop on site.


Book the last few spaces - Tours this Friday & Saturday to see Bonnie the seal pup behind one way glass & Olivia the turtle

Submitted by Steve on 08:38, 2nd Jun, 2016 | 0

All week during the half term we have held tours around the GSPCA to see the hundreds of animals in our care.

Every Spring we help hundreds of baby birds, hedgehogs and many more wild animals and birds.

The guided tours are set on the dates below at 2pm.

We ask for a minimum donation of £5 per person and £3 per child, or £15 for a family of four.  Later in the year we have some themed tours which are £15 per child.

The tours take around 80 minutes and you get to see in many of the departments and a variety of species. The special tours are a little longer.
