HAPPY NEWS – Andrew doing well and soon to have a new friend

Submitted by Steve on 11:33, 10th Apr, 2020 | 0

We are pleased to say that Andrew the Jersey grey seal pup rescued over a year ago is nearly ready for the wild but we have one last step to go.

We are hoping when Pebbles the seal pup is ready to introduce them both so they can be released together.

Sadly due to the Coronavirus restrictions it is highly unlikely that we will be able to take a boat to Jersey to release Andrew where he was from with the social distancing rules in both islands.


HAPPY NEWS – Pebble the seal pup moves out into the Spring sunshine

Submitted by Steve on 11:28, 10th Apr, 2020 | 0

On the 13th February the GSPCA team were called out to a very poorly seal pup we named Pebbles and we have some great news as she is doing extremely well.

We were all so worried for her when she first arrived and she required around the clock intensive care, but each day she has improved and this week she got her first taste of the outdoors since arriving.

At only 2-3 months of age she is now eating fish well and we are all so pleased with her progress.


Last two Guernsey seal pups at the GSPCA due to be released very soon and Andy makes improvements

Submitted by Steve on 16:56, 2nd Aug, 2019 | 0

It’s been a very busy year for grey seal pups and finally the last two Guernsey pups are ready for the wild.

It is planned to release Mambo and Hannah sometime next week and preparations are currently underway.

Once again we are looking to release both locally rescued pups on Jethou as we did for Sealia and Gully back in May.

All seal pups were extremely emaciated and would have likely perished if they hadn’t of been rescued which include two from Jersey.


1st Guernsey seal pups of 2019 Sealia and Gully back in the wild

Submitted by Steve on 14:53, 21st May, 2019 | 0

Earlier today grey seal pups Sealia and Gully were returned back to their home waters.

Gully was rescued last November and Sealia early January, both were between a quarter to a third of the 40kgs they should have weighed for their age which was under a month old and extremely poorly, emaciated and in such ill health they wouldn’t have survived if they hadn't have been rescued.

They needed around the clock intensive care for many weeks and required tube feeding until they were strong enough to eat on their own.


First Guernsey seal pups of 2019 to be released in #GSPCACupcakeWeek days ahead of our Animal Welfare Seafront Sunday

Submitted by Steve on 22:58, 20th May, 2019 | 0

Tomorrow (Tuesday 21st May 2019) seal pups Sealia and Gully will be released back in the waters where they belong.

Both were found close to death starving with a number of ailments and after months of care will be released on Jethou thanks to Island Rib Voyages and the kind team that live on Jethou.

This will leave two Guernsey seal pups Mambo and Hannah who improve daily and Andrew from Jersey.


The Channel Islands Co-operative Society supports GSPCA’s Save Our Seals campaign

Submitted by Steve on 14:43, 3rd Apr, 2019 | 0

The Channel Islands Co-operative Society Limited will be donating 5% of its profits from pet food to the Guernsey Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals’ (GSPCA) Save Our Seals campaign.

Last year, the Co-op supported the Jersey Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals’ (JSPCA) #SaveOurShelter campaign by donating 5% of pet food sales to the Animals’ Shelter.

The Society is now launching the same initiative in Guernsey where funds raised during April and May will go towards supporting the seal pups within the GSPCA’s care.


Some very special thanks helping feed the seal pups to Solent Clams Ltd, Mike Ward and Manor Farm Food from the GSPCA

Submitted by Steve on 16:54, 29th Mar, 2019 | 0

Due to the recent inclement weather and rough seas the GSPCA have been struggling to source enough fish to feed the six seal pups that are rehabilitating at the GSPCA.

An Urgent Fish Appeal went out and we received some wonderful donations from local fisherman, individuals and companies but we have to say a huge thanks to Solent Clams Ltd.

When fish supplies were desperately low the team at the GSPCA contacted almost everyone they could think of.


4th seal pup rescued and now in the care of the GSPCA

Submitted by Steve on 20:24, 6th Jan, 2019 | 0

Yesterday afternoon the GSPCA rescued a 4th grey seal pup.

The very poorly pup was spotted just behind the pond on Route de Pulias, often called the Smelly Pond.

The GSPCA Volunteer Warden was the first to arrive on the scene before other GSPCA team members arrived to help the sick seal pup.

With 3 seal pups already in the care of the GSPCA, the team had to prepare for the 4th pup whilst ‘Sealia’ as she has been called was being rescued on the North West of Guernsey.


Fresh Fish filling Gully thanks to a wonderful donation today Please support our fish appeal for our 3 seals

Submitted by Steve on 16:25, 4th Jan, 2019 | 0

At the GSPCA only hours ago we had a box of approximately 10kg of fresh fish delivered to the Shelter by Mr. Brian Billion who had been out fishing with his family earlier today especially for the 3 seal pups at the GSPCA.

The donation was kindly accepted from reception by the Community and Training Officer Tim Pellet who said “What a wonderful donation of the freshest fish we have seen this year for the 3 seal pups.

“I told Mr Billion that the seals would more than likely be enjoying their feast within the hour and we have pictures already of Gully tucking into them.”


Towel and blanket appeal at the GSPCA for our seal pups and 500 other animals

Submitted by Steve on 12:44, 4th Jan, 2019 | 0

With over 500 animals in our care we are extremely busy at the GSPCA and are appealing for blankets and especially towels to help to provide them with bedding, to help with handling and drying off.

So if you are having an early Spring clean and clearing out your airing cupboard or sorting through your linen please think of the many animals in our care.

Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said "We use hundreds of towels and blankets every day at the GSPCA and our 4 laundry machines are on around the clock."
