Wednesday 11th April 6.30pm Volunteer Induction Evening at the GSPCA

Submitted by Steve on 17:10, 10th Apr, 2018 | 0

Tomorrow night (Wednesday 11th April) we will hold our fourth volunteer induction of 2018.

The induction will take place with GSPCA Manager Steve Byrne who will greet the new volunteers and then show a video about who we are, what we do, the ways volunteers can help and an induction of how to help safely to all the new volunteers who need to be aged from 13 years upwards to help with the animals on site.  


Welcome to the 5 new faces that joined the GSPCA team last week

Submitted by Steve on 10:42, 16th Mar, 2018 | 0

Last Monday we held our third volunteer induction of 2018 and welcomed 5 new volunteers at the GSPCA taking this years total to 46 new volunteers inducted.

Chau Yu, Julia, Maddi, Alex and Michele all arrived for 630pm where they learnt all about the work at the GSPCA and how to work safely as a volunteer.

The event took place with GSPCA Manager Steve Byrne who after their induction spoke with each of them and set a date to start with the youngest starting from 13 which is the minimum age to help with the animals on site at the Shelter.


Tonight 6.30pm Volunteer Induction Evening at the GSPCA

Submitted by Steve on 10:21, 5th Mar, 2018 | 0

The GSPCA have planned out the dates for 2018 Volunteer Inductions and the third takes place tonight at 6.30pm at the GSPCA in St Andrews.

The induction will take place with GSPCA Manager Steve Byrne who will greet the new volunteers and then show a video about who we are, what we do, the ways volunteers can help and an induction of how to help safely to all the new volunteers who need to be aged from 13 years upwards to help with the animals on site.  


An overflowing room for the first volunteer evening of 2018 at the GSPCA

Submitted by Steve on 17:13, 18th Jan, 2018 | 0

Last Wednesday the GSPCA greeted 22 new volunteers to the team.

The induction took place at the GSPCA in St Andrews at 6.30pm and the room was overflowing with those wanting to help out in many ways.

The induction took place with GSPCA Manager Steve Byrne who greeted the new volunteers and then played a video about who we are, what we do, the ways volunteers can help and an induction of how to help safely.


Over 200 new volunteers trained in 2017 and the first 2018 induction on Wednesday 10th January

Submitted by Steve on 17:25, 5th Jan, 2018 | 0

Last month the GSPCA ran the 14th and final volunteer induction of 2017 and in total inducted and trained over 300 new volunteers and helpers through the year from Corporate Social Responsibility days to individuals that help each week.

The GSPCA have planned out the dates for 2018 and the first takes place at 6.30pm on Wednesday 10th January 2018 at the GSPCA in St Andrews.


GSPCA Animal Advent Calendar Day 11 - Last Volunteer Induction of 2017 tonight at 630pm

Submitted by Steve on 12:41, 11th Dec, 2017 | 0

Tonight is the last volunteer induction of 2017

This year we have held 15 volunteer inductions taking this years inducted volunteers to a total of 169 not including others that have helped from businesses, groups and other organisations.

Although volunteering at the Animal Shelter starts at 13 for those under 13 they are always welcome to attend and get involved with events and fund raising.

It all takes place at the GSPCA from 630pm and all are welcome. It takes around 90 minutes and includes an induction video, talk and certificate.


Credit Suisse staff help out at the GSPCA

Submitted by Steve on 21:31, 21st Nov, 2017 | 0

On the 29th September Svetlana Head, Tina Hiddelston, Nic Clevel and Jingjing Qi from Credit Suisse gave up a day in the office to help out at the GSPCA.

We were pleased to welcome back Credit Suisse staff for the fourth year and third time in 2017 and they are always a great help and support to the team at the Shelter.


The Travel Corporation help out at the GSPCA

Submitted by Steve on 21:22, 21st Nov, 2017 | 0

On the 21st and 27th September the wonderful staff from The Travel Corporation joined the team at the GSPCA for the 4th and 5th time this year.

This is the fourth year in a row team members from The Travel Corporation have helped at the GSPCA.


Oak Trust Guernsey staff making a difference at the GSPCA

Submitted by Steve on 20:40, 21st Nov, 2017 | 0

On the 3rd November a team of staff from Oak Trust Guernsey gave up an afternoon in the office to help the GSPCA.


An overflowing room of new volunteers join the GSPCA – last induction of 2017 is Monday 11th December

Submitted by Steve on 17:47, 14th Nov, 2017 | 0

Last night we held our 14th volunteer induction at the GSPCA and met 26 new helpers keen to learn how they can get involved with us here at the Animal Shelter adding to the 143 inducted this year taking this years inducted volunteers to a total of 169 not including others that have helped from businesses, groups and other organisations.
