Submitted by Steve on 13:26, 31st Jul, 2018 | 0

On Saturday 7th July the GSPCA joined the Rotary Club Guernsey & MIND Guernsey who are working together to raise funds to train a trainer in mental health.

Mental health has a stigma, which needs to be removed. Mental health can effect anyone at any age and comes in many forms, from Anorexia, post natal depression, stress in the work place or home, depression, PTSD through to bereavement and much more.

The Picnic in the Park was held at Government House as a family fun event and was supported by local students providing art for sale, singers, fun races, including a guest appearance from Alex Hargreaves the author of the Little Miss books who was signing merchandise. 

The GSPCA would like to extend a huge thanks to the Rotary Club Guernsey & MIND Guernsey for the very kind invite and to all that supported.

The GSPCA attended with a variety of tombolas and goods on sale as well as some of the resident tortoise who enjoyed the Government House grounds.

Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said “We had a lovely day at Picnic in the Park and a huge thank you to the Rotary Club Guernsey & MIND Guernsey for a wonderful event.”

“From raising a wonderful £150 to talking to those interested in volunteering and adopting animals from the Shelter we had a lovely time and thanks to all involved.”

“We are at many events over the Summer and always looking for help on our stalls around Guernsey.”

To visit the Guernsey Mind website please go to -

If you missed this event and want to see their event page please visit -

If you would like to help at one of our upcoming events or book a table at our Ball please give Michelle a call on 257261 or email [email protected]

For more information on volunteering at the GSPCA and how to get involved please visit or call 257261

If your business or group would like to spend a day at the Shelter you can find out more by going to

To see the opening hours at the GSPCA please visit –

To see our upcoming guided tours please visit -

To donate to the animals in our care please visit - 

To become an Angel Pen Pal Sponsor to sponsor the hoglets and support our work please visit -

To see our Wish List on our website please visit -

For other fund raising ideas and ways to support please visit -

To visit the details on the Urgent Kennel Floor Appeal please visit -

To find out how your business could help us at the GSPCA


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