RIP Eddie the much loved Shelter cat
Posted by Steve on 1st Sep, 2021 |
Many visitors to the GSPCA over the last 15 years will remember Eddie a black cat that arrived as a feral and who decided to make the Animal Shelter his home. Over the years Eddie relaxed into his older years and became very friendly with many of the team and visitors. Sadly his health has been...
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WARNING TO ALL RABBIT OWNERS – Diseases killing rabbits in Guernsey and advice
Posted by Steve on 1st Sep, 2021 |
The GSPCA is asking all rabbits to take great care as Rabbit Haemorraghic Viral Disease (RHVD2) variant 2 is being seen once again here in Guernsey and a surge of rabbits with myxomatosis are being seen with the large numbers of rabbits around Guernsey. These fatal diseases are a huge risk to...
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See the GSPCA at the North Show 'Go Forth the North'
Posted by Steve on 24th Aug, 2021 |
This Wednesday 25th and Thursday 26th August it is the North Show and the GSPCA will be there with a stall for the ninth year in a row. Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said "This summer is extraordinarily busy for us at the GSPCA as well as the continued challenges." "The North Show is always a...
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West is Best for the GSPCA in the 10 years of attending the Show
Posted by Steve on 24th Aug, 2021 |
Last week the GSPCA attended what was a fantastic and record breaking West Show. For the last 10 years the GSPCA hasn’t missed a show at L’Eree and this year we raised the most we have ever achieved. The stall which was run by GSPCA team members Steve Byrne, Lorna Chadwick Suzy Rose, Jo Byrne and...
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First Volunteer Recruitment after 18 months at the GSPCA -We need you
Posted by Steve on 19th Aug, 2021 |
With a hugely busy Animal Shelter and many events the GSPCA is starting recruitment of volunteers after an 18 month break due to the covid pandemic. We are still taking a cautious approach and at this time asking all those interested to complete a volunteer application form and send it to ...
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