New seal named India thank you for al your suggestions
Posted by Steve on 13th Mar, 2021 |
On Thursday the GSPCA were called out to rescue a very sick grey seal pup which we appealed for help to name her. We are pleased to report although she is still very poorly we are doing all we can and we have decided to call her India. We would like to thank everyone for their suggestions.
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GSPCA rescue seal pup at Perelle – ideas for names and please donate to their care
Posted by Steve on 11th Mar, 2021 |
This morning the GSPCA were called out to attend what was reported to be a poorly seal pup at Perelle. The team were dispatched to find an approximately 12 week old grey seal pup. Only a little under weight the main concerns was it being lethargic and very chesty. The pup was collected by Head of...
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Huge thanks to Liz Quentin for making and selling 197 face masks in aid of the GSPCA
Posted by Steve on 9th Mar, 2021 |
Lockdown 2 has seen so many caring islanders supporting so many good causes and helping one another. One of these wonderful individuals is Liz Quentin.  Liz has made and sold an incredible 197 face masks in aid of the GSPCA to help raise funds towards our 24/7 work and care of the many animals...
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Long Shredded Paper, Blanket and Towel Appeal at the GSPCA
Posted by Steve on 9th Mar, 2021 |
As Guernsey has gone through 7 weeks of our second lockdown many incoming donations have been affected, not just financially. At the GSPCA we are currently appealing for long shredded paper for the hedgehog bedding and with over 140 in our care we have a lot to look after. Normally with offices...
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A message from Coco the cat loving her new home
Posted by Steve on 5th Mar, 2021 |
Just before Christmas we rehomed a lovely tortie female cat called Mittens who is now called Coco and is very much enjoying her new home. Coco recently sent this lovely message - ‘Hello all of you at the GSPCA I am sending this message to you all to let you know how I am getting on in my new home....
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