Joey the poorly Jersey seal pup now at the GSPCA thanks to BDMLR Jersey and New Era Vets
Posted by Steve on 10th Nov, 2020 |
During the early hours of this morning Joey the Jersey grey seal pup was transported thanks to the paper boat to Guernsey where he was greeted by Head of Marine Mammals Geoff George. Rescued by the British Divers Marine Life Rescue (BDMLR) Jersey after reports of a poorly seal pup spotted on Les...
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GSPCA Pub Quiz at the Cock and Bull Wednesday 11th November 2020
Posted by Steve on 9th Nov, 2020 |
On Wednesday 11th November GSPCA team members are holding a Pub Quiz at the Cock & Bull to raise funds for the many animals in our care and 24/7 work at the GSPCA. Organisors Beckie Bailey and Nicolle Morgan are asking you 'are you an animal whizz?' and if so 'come and test your knowledge...
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Record breaking year for hedgehogs and Intensive Care Unit Appeal due to the large numbers
Posted by Steve on 6th Nov, 2020 |
Last year the GSPCA saw a record breaking 618 hedgehogs come through the doors and 2020 has broken that record number as we see poorly hedgehogs arriving in numbers. With almost 2 months to go before the end of 2020 we have already helped an incredible 626 this year making it a record breaking...
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Posted by Steve on 27th Oct, 2020 |
With a busy firework period fast approaching the GSPCA would like to remind everyone of the notifications to help those affected by the loud bangs and safety information for pet owners.Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said “With many firework displays confirmed already for the coming days we are reminding...
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Could you 'Trick or Pet Treat' this Halloween & collect for animals at the GSPCA & safety tips
Posted by Steve on 26th Oct, 2020 |
Every year many children with parents or guardians head out at Halloween on the 31st October dressed up to celebrate the American tradition of 'Trick or Treat'. With the growing concern of the consumption of sweets and sugar why not this Halloween raise funds for charity. With the dark evenings it...
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