Can you help make knitted nests for our baby birds at the GSPCA
Posted by Steve on 16th Jul, 2020 |
The GSPCA has had an incredibly busy year in 2020 with baby birds of all shapes and sizes. We are appealing for volunteers to make knitted nests for the baby birds in our care.  With our intensive care units bursting with young animals these nests really help keep young birds feel safe and...
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Greenman Mcc Bike Night raises an amazing £1138.28 in aid of the GSPCA
Posted by Steve on 16th Jul, 2020 |
On Wednesday 8th July St Peter Port was filled with hundreds of bikers who met up for a catch up and to raise funds for the GSPCA. We cannot thank everyone involved with the Greenman Mcc Bike Night during these difficult days. Not only was an amazing £1138.28 raised in aid of the GSPCA but we...
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Do you fancy taking part in the Hel(l)vetia Challenge in aid of the GSPCA
Posted by Steve on 16th Jul, 2020 |
Do you fancy taking part in the Hel(l)vetia Challenge in aid of the GSPCA This year’s Hel(l)vetia Challenge will be held on 27th August. Now, more than ever, the GSPCA needs your support. The Hel(l)vetia Challenge is an excellent opportunity to raise funds, whilst having fun and raising team...
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Join the GSPCA this Saturday at the Market Place Family Fun Day
Posted by Steve on 15th Jul, 2020 |
Join us for a day of family fun in Market Square, this Saturday 18th July between 10am and 5pm We’ll be celebrating all things #GuernseyTogether with a kids area, markets for the adults, and performances to enjoy throughout the day. GSPCA volunteers will be there with our stall with a...
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Thank you to Hayley and her Vedge Hedge Stall raising funds for the GSPCA
Posted by Steve on 15th Jul, 2020 |
The GSPCA has to say a huge thanks to Hayley Lawrence who has been raising funds for the GSPCA and the animals in our care. During these difficult times every penny helps make a huge difference and we cannot thank Hayley and those supporting her stall for the kind funds raised. Hayley Lawrence said...
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