Could you 'Trick or Pet Treat' this Halloween & collect for animals at the GSPCA & safety tips
Posted by Steve on 30th Oct, 2019 |
Every year many children with parents or guardians head out at Halloween on the 31st October dressed up to celebrate the American tradition of 'Trick or Treat'. With the growing concern of the consumption of sweets and sugar why not this Halloween raise funds for charity. With the dark evenings it...
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Olly a very lucky barn owl released back to the wild
Posted by Steve on 29th Oct, 2019 |
On a very wet stormy Monday night on the 30th September the GSPCA were called out to Guernsey Airport after a barn owl had been hit by the wing of a landing plane and spotted by a passenger. Sarah Langlois the GSPCA Night Warden on that evening went out to rescue the very poorly bird and bring...
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Posted by Steve on 29th Oct, 2019 |
With a busy firework period fast approaching the GSPCA would like to remind everyone of the notifications to help those affected by the loud bangs and safety information for pet owners.Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said “With many firework displays confirmed already for next week and the week after we...
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GSPCA celebrate 90 years at Rue des Truchots
Posted by Steve on 29th Oct, 2019 |
This month the GSPCA celebrated 90 years at our current site in St Andrews. In October 1929 the GSPCA purchased its present site in the area known as Les Fiers Moutons, St Andrews. The house, outbuildings and ¾ vergee of land were bought freehold for £400.00 plus a further 2 vergees of land for £...
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Autumn Aversives 'Amnesty'
Posted by Steve on 24th Oct, 2019 |
A NEW campaign to improve animal welfare standards in the island is being launched today.  The Autumn Aversives ‘Amnesty’, launched by Canine Behaviour Guernsey and supported by the GSPCA, aims to raise awareness among pet owners about the damaging effects these certain training products and...
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