IMPORTANT INFORMATION FROM THE GSPCA - Hot Cars Kill Dogs & hot pavements damage feet
Posted by Steve on 24th Aug, 2019 |
This week with the hot weather the GSPCA has had a number of reports from concerned members of the public that have seen dogs locked in cars during this warm weather upon and we want to remind all pet owners of the real dangers to their pets The GSPCA team have already been out to a number of...
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Guided Tours this week at the GSPCA – 2pm each day call 257261 or online to book your place
Posted by Steve on 24th Aug, 2019 |
This week you can see behind the scenes at the GSPCA. We ask for a minimum donation of £7 per person and £5 per child, or £20 for a family of four or £18 with an Islands Mum card.  In 2019 we have some themed tours which are £20 per child or £17.50 with an Islands Mums card. The tours take...
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See the GSPCA at the North Show with Northern Trust volunteers, our Battle of Flower Entry and meet some of our tortoise
Posted by Steve on 22nd Aug, 2019 |
Today we will be at the second day of the North Show not only with our stall with lots of games but you may meet a range of animals. 3 of the Shelter tortoise will be there and some Giant animals too from Northern Trust who are helping on the stall. The team have been busy making an entry for the...
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Missing your mother and baby turkeys? Stray turkey and nine chicks found near Grow Ltd now at the GSPCA
Posted by Steve on 22nd Aug, 2019 |
At the GSPCA we currently have a mother and her 9 back turkey chicks. Rescued by the GSPCA near Grow Ltd on Tuesday by GSPCA Ambulance Officer Geoff George the birds are currently in our care and we are appealing for their owner. If you know of someone who has lost their turkeys please ask them to...
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FIREWORK ADVICE FROM THE GSPCA - Fireworks this Thursday and Friday please ensure your animals and pets are safe
Posted by Steve on 21st Aug, 2019 |
This week there are two evenings of fireworks that we are aware of taking place.The first is on Thursday at Saumarez Park as part of the North Show at 10pm.On Friday there is a private display taking part at 10pm at the Peninsula Hotel.Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said “With two firework displays this...
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