Scaled back search for the L’Ancresse snake – but any information please call 257261 immediately
Posted by Steve on 21st Sep, 2018 |
Over the Summer months trained volunteers and staff from the GSPCA carried out extensive searches in the southern area of L’Ancresse Common after a dog walker reported seeing the tail-end of a fairly large snake enter the gorse. Nearly 3 months ago a dog walker reported what was thought to be a...
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Captain Jack after an 18 month stay at the GSPCA loves his new home
Posted by Steve on 21st Sep, 2018 |
In January 2017 Captain Jack arrived at the GSPCA covered in paint with bald patches and sores. After cleaning him up we discovered he had very sensitive skin and with a unique character so needed a special home. After nearly 18 months in our care this Summer we found that forever home and recently...
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Lido’s operation a huge success thanks to all of the donations and his excellent care
Posted by Steve on 21st Sep, 2018 |
We are pleased to report the Lido the silver long haired main coon went for his life saving operation on Monday and is recovering well despite a much larger growth than expected. The operation took place at Isabelle Vets who kindly undertook the surgery at a huge discount and thanks to the many...
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Herm Island Rescued Barn Owl back in the wild on island after care at the GSPCA
Posted by Steve on 19th Sep, 2018 |
On 22nd August a very poorly Barn Owl was rescued from a bin in Herm and brought over to Guernsey and care of the GSPCA. Over the last 3 weeks the GSPCA team have been caring for the bird which was named ‘Blucher’. Blucher after arrival was cared for in an intensive care unit and was very weak but...
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URGENT APPEAL – As our 20 year old Commercial Dryer sadly passes can you help us with a new machine at the GSPCA
Posted by Steve on 13th Sep, 2018 |
At the GSPCA our current Commercial Dryer has sadly, after more than 20 years passed over to laundry heaven as parts are no longer available to maintain the old girl. For over 2 decades this work horse has tirelessly tumbled for 365 days a year drying 1000’s of dog beds, blankets, towels and sheets...
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