Jersey and Guernsey seal pups cared for together for the first time - please donate to their care
Posted by Steve on 21st Nov, 2017 |
Today a grey seal pup rescued in Jersey on Sunday at just 11.5kg has just arrived at the GSPCA in Guernsey. Trevor as the 2 week old pup has been named has joined Temperance of a similar age at the GSPCA seal unit in Guernsey. Both pups are around a quarter the weight they should weigh and both...
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Grey Seal Pup rescued today at Beaucette Marina called Temperance the thinnest we have seen at 11kgs - donate to her care here
Posted by Steve on 20th Nov, 2017 |
This morning the GSPCA team were called out to rescue a dehydrated, thin, young seal pup from Beaucette Marina.'Temperance' ' as the grey seal pup of just two weeks has been called is the thinnest grey seal pup on record to be rescued by the GSPCA in Guernsey.Spotted on the headland, GSPCA...
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An overflowing room of new volunteers join the GSPCA – last induction of 2017 is Monday 11th December
Posted by Steve on 14th Nov, 2017 |
Last night we held our 14th volunteer induction at the GSPCA and met 26 new helpers keen to learn how they can get involved with us here at the Animal Shelter adding to the 143 inducted this year taking this years inducted volunteers to a total of 169 not including others that have helped from...
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Young Gannet Mist released back to the wild by the GSPCA
Posted by Steve on 14th Nov, 2017 |
On the 23rd September 2017 ‘Mist’ an adolescent gannet was rescued from Lihou very unwell and weak and brought to the GSPCA Animal Shelter by Volunteer Warden Suzy Rose. For the first few weeks the bird was under the supervision of our vet and care of the GSPCA team in our intensive care room for...
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Please can you help with a raffle or auction item for this Saturdays Ball
Posted by Steve on 8th Nov, 2017 |
This Saturday we are looking forward to our 1960’s & Masquerade Ball and we need your help.We are appealing for items to help with our raffle and auction to raise as much as we can for the 500+ animals in our care. All taking place at the Farmhouse and supported by Save the Date and featuring...
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