Two fantastic work experience Charles Allen and Bethany Shackcloth from Les Beaucamps enjoy their week at the GSPCA
Posted by Steve on 12th Apr, 2017 |
Last month a young man and a young lady interested in an animal care career spent a week experiencing work and helping out at the GSPCA.Charles Allen and Bethany Shackcloth from Les Beaucamps High spent a four long shifts working with the team at the Animal Shelter in St Andrews.Where as many of...
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GSPCA ask please keep your pets safe this Easter - chocolate can kill your beloved pet
Posted by Steve on 12th Apr, 2017 |
Be aware this weekend you could be putting your pet at risk at Easter if you feed your pet chocolate intended for people or they manage to find those carefully hidden from the children. Across the Bailiwick we are all stocking up Easter eggs and chocolate as gifts for family and loved ones, but the...
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Sami the Channel Island seal pup loving her pool and improving daily - can you help towards her care
Posted by Steve on 12th Apr, 2017 |
We are pleased to report that Sami a grey seal pup who was rescued on a beach in Jersey just after Christmas starving and unwell is making fantastic progress and is now swimming well in our pools at the Shelter in St Andrews. Nearly four months on from her rescue she is eating extremely well and...
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15 new volunteers join and welcomed to the GSPCA team last week
Posted by Steve on 12th Apr, 2017 |
Last week we held our fourth volunteer induction of 2017 at the GSPCA and saw another packed room of 15 new helpers keen to learn how they can get involved with us here at the Animal Shelter adding to the 62 inducted this year taking this years inducted volunteers to a total of 77 not including...
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From today - Easter Guided Tour at the GSPCA and see behind the scenes - 12-19 April - book your place as they are going fast
Posted by Steve on 12th Apr, 2017 |
During the school breaks we run a series of guided tours at the GSPCA and we have now planned for 2017 with some special tours for the children. You can also book a tour for a special event or birthday. This is your opportunity to visit behind the scenes at our Animal Shelter in St Andrews...
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