Hearing Dogs and the GSPCA team up to raise funds with a behind the scenes tour - thank you to all that supported
Posted by Steve on 14th Jul, 2016 |
Last night the GSPCA and Hearing Dogs for Deaf People teamed up to for an evening at the GSPCA to see behind the scenes, refreshments and a talk about the work at the Animal Shelter.The tour started 6pm and those attending got to see the lovely grounds at the GSPCA and the many animals in the care...
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HOT WEATHER ADVICE from the GSPCA - With the warm weather please ensure your pets and animals are safe
Posted by Steve on 14th Jul, 2016 |
With the sunny weather projected and the recent warm weather the GSPCA are calling everyone to be mindful of your pets.Many of us love to enjoy the sunny warm weather but we are urging pet owners to be mindful of their animals. Don't leave your dog alone in a car.
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UPDATE - Olivia the turtle's traveling box is coming together - would you like to donate to her travel box, care and flight
Posted by Steve on 13th Jul, 2016 |
Today GSPCA team members are putting together a travel box to meet IATA regulations for Olivia the loggerhead turtle as flight plans are finalised.Having spoken to countless contacts and working with the wonderful vets and team at Petair we are hopeful to find transport and a route at a cost less...
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GSPCA Dog Fouling Facts & Survey in Guernsey
Posted by Steve on 13th Jul, 2016 |
One of the main causes of irritation to everyone – including many dog owners – is fouling in public places. Everyone has to share the same recreational space and there is nothing worse than having to constantly look for dog poo to prevent you or your children stepping or even falling into it.
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GSPCA have two large and one extremely large tropical fish tank with over 30 fish and all of the set up to find homes for
Posted by Steve on 12th Jul, 2016 |
Currently the GSPCA are in the care of over 30 tropical fish in established tanks looking for homes.The three tanks have a variety of species all of which  have lived together for some time and the Shelter would like to find homes for the full set ups as well as the fish as groups in the tanks...
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