Volunteers from Les Puces a cat charity in Brittany visit the GSPCA
Posted by Steve on 20th Oct, 2023 |
Earlier this month two volunteers from a French cat charity popped into the GSPCA for a visit. The two volunteers from Les Puces which is based in Brittany help cats and kittens through their network of foster homes.Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said “It is always wonderful to meet, chat too and show...
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Half Term Guided Tours at the GSPCA – Limited spaces book now through Eventbrite
Posted by Steve on 20th Oct, 2023 |
Next week we are holding Guided Tours at the GSPCA. With 20 spaces per tour numbers are limited so book now to guarantee your place. To book please visit https://www.eventbrite.com/e/gspca-educational-guided-tours-tickets-627151335527?aff=oddtdtcreator Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said "This Half...
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Popeye the Barn Owl back in the wild thanks to the care of the GSPCA
Posted by Steve on 6th Oct, 2023 |
On the evening of the 19th September a very poorly Barn Owl was rescued and taken into the care of the GSPCA. Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said “On Tuesday the 19th September I was on night duty and one of the many animals to arrive that evening was a very poorly Barn Owl.” “The finder of...
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Today is World Animal Day - Please help animals in Guernsey and our BIGGEST BUILD APPEAL
Posted by Steve on 4th Oct, 2023 |
In this our 150th year how are you celebrating World Animal Day? GSPCA 150th Year Ball Saturday 10th February 2024 To find out more - https://www.gspca.org.gg/blog/new-date-gspca-150th-ball-st-pierre-park-hotel-saturday-10th-february-2024-tickets-sale-and-cou
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Huge thanks to Guernsey Freemasons for their help with the Puffin Parade
Posted by Steve on 27th Sep, 2023 |
Local Freemasons and Directors of Autism Guernsey Worshipful Brothers, Jerry Girard, Dr Nick King and Andrew Sparks joined forces with the GSPCA Manager and a Brother Steve Byrne, to raise badly needed funds for both charities by offering sponsorship of 60 handcrafted puffins which were...
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