After months of care Bonnie the Grey Seal Pup in Guernsey is now back in the wild - released in Jethou, thanks to all involved
Posted by Steve on 25th Jun, 2016 |
Today while many have been talking about #Brexit the GSPCA have had a busy morning preparing and releasing Bonnie the seal pup back to the wild.Bonnie who was the thinnest seal pup the GSPCA had ever rescued has taken from January until today to build her weight, health and strength to be set free...
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Please send us your pictures of your dogs in work today, tag @GSPCA and hashtag #BringYourDogToWorkDay to join this global day
Posted by Steve on 24th Jun, 2016 |
It's Friday 24th June so please post your pictures of your dog in work today so we can see the lucky pooches who will be in vans, offices and schools with their owners.When posting online to share please tag @GSPCA and why not hastag #BringYourDogToWorkDay to join others with this global day....
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Special guided tour shows off the GSPCA to visitors from the opposite side of the world - would you like to book a tour?
Posted by Steve on 24th Jun, 2016 |
On Thursday a group of 4 islanders with 3 visiting family members from Australia had a special guided tour of the GSPCA.The group were shown behind the scenes and learnt from Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager about the rich history of the GSPCA and future plans.From seeing baby birds being feed to young...
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GSPCA welcome Rick Hayman Managing Director from Medimark who visited and provided staff and volunteers training
Posted by Steve on 23rd Jun, 2016 |
Over the last two days the GSPCA welcomed Rick Hayman who is the Managing Director of Medimark Scientific Ltd who manufacture a number of products that are used world wide to clean in a variety of environments, especially vets and animal shelters.Rick is a massive supporter of animal charities and...
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A huge thank you to States Works for delivering fresh water for Olivia the loggerhead turtle today
Posted by Steve on 23rd Jun, 2016 |
Today the GSPCA undertook a full clean of Olivia's pool which we couldn't have done without the wonderful help from a vehicle and kind driver from States Works.Olivia who has been in our care since the beginning of March has seen so many kind and thoughtful people help towards her care and while we...
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