Happy Birthday Ella Gidney - a special behind the scenes at the GSPCA as a birthday treat
Posted by Steve on 30th Nov, 2015 |
Last week Ella Gidney and a group of her friends came along to the GSPCA for a Birthday guided tour.Ella who has just turned 10 years of age got a very special behind the scenes tour with her friends at the Shelter in St Andrews.On requests we will arrange a special tour for a minimum donation and...
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GSPCA Slovakian Puppy 2016 Calendars on sale
Posted by Steve on 30th Nov, 2015 |
One of the BIGGEST cases in our long history happened this year when 25 puppies which were from Slovakia were stopped at the harbour in very concerning conditions and were headed for the UK.Shortly after we found out that all pups were to stay in Guernsey and be rehomed locally, photographer Liz...
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GSPCA Animal Care Vacancies - Full & Part Time Post Working for the GSPCA - Closing Date Monday 7th December
Posted by Steve on 30th Nov, 2015 |
The GSPCA currently has two vacancies that have become available at the Animal Shelter in St Andrews.A full and part time weekend post working in a diverse role helping care for the animals at the Shelter, drive the ambulance, assist on reception and cover night duties at the GSPCA.The full time...
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Staff & Volunteer GSPCA Christmas Cocktail Party Saturday 12th December
Posted by Steve on 27th Nov, 2015 |
On Saturday the 12th December staff and volunteers are invited to a Cocktail party at the GSPCA to celebrate all the wonderful work undertaken in 2015.
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CHRISTMAS SPECIAL SPONSOR GIFT - Become an Angel Pen Pal Sponsor & you can help animals this Christmas in Guernsey
Posted by Steve on 27th Nov, 2015 |
This Christmas you can help us make a real difference to animals in Guernsey.With your help we can ensure thousands of animals are rescued and cared for every year.Without you the GSPCA couldn't run 24/7 helping animals like the recent 25 Slovakian puppies to the 2 kittens found covered in maggots....
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