Stray tortoise found on Oatlands Lane
Posted by Steve on 11th May, 2015 |
Earlier today another stray tortoise was brought into the GSPCA.'Monroe' as staff and volunteers have named the adult tortoise was found on Oatlands Lane.Monroe has a distinctive white patch on his shell.Each year we see around 30 stray tortoise handed into the GSPCA and we currently have two...
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Northern Trust Community Partners at the GSPCA
Posted by Steve on 11th May, 2015 |
Thursday last week the GSPCA team were joined by 8 volunteers from  Northern Trust who gave up a day in the office to help the team at the Animal Shelter in St Andrews with all sorts of jobs.
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Please help 'Hugo' the tortoise find his family - tortoise found in St Saviour's
Posted by Steve on 8th May, 2015 |
On Monday a stray tortoise was brought into the GSPCA.'Hugo' as staff and volunteers have named the male, adult Herman's tortoise was found in St Saviour's.Hugo is quite distinctive with an under shot jaw and a deformed front right leg.Each year we see around 30 stray tortoise handed into the GSPCA...
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GSPCA welcome 15 new volunteers
Posted by Steve on 7th May, 2015 |
Last night at the GSPCA we welcomed 15 new volunteers to the team.Shortly after 6pm eager new faces started to arrive to learn about the GSPCA and how to get involved.GSPCA Manager Steve Byrne was on hand to meet and greet the group who came from all walks of life.The group were given an induction...
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Sigthting of Jessie the stray beagle cross at La Trelade last night
Posted by Steve on 7th May, 2015 |
Last night the GSPCA had reports of Jessie the lost beagle cross near La Trelade.Jessie has been missing from St Martins since last Tuesday and on Friday staff got very close to her at the Villoq Estate near Samuarez Park at 3pm.Previous sightings have been along Les Beaucamps, Route de la Hougue...
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