Thank you to the fantastic staff from KPMG
Posted by Steve on 22nd Aug, 2014 |
Yesterday the GSPCA were lucky enough to have help from KPMG staff for the third year in a row.The team of 7 staff from KPMG arrived at 9am where after a short induction were set to work painting the stable on site as well as many of the tortoise and rabbit runs, fences and even doing a little...
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Have you lost a very poorly ginger cat in St Peter Port?
Posted by Steve on 22nd Aug, 2014 |
Yesterday the GSPCA rescued a very poorly ginger cat.The stray ginger very thin entire male was found with no microchip or collar in St Peter Port.We have now named the young adult male cat Elmo but due to his ill health he has been rushed to the vets where they are keeping in their care on a drip....
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This Saturday pop by and see us in Market Square & around Guernsey for our annual flag day. Please get in touch if you can help
Posted by Steve on 21st Aug, 2014 |
With only 2 days until the GSPCA Flag Day event on Saturday 23rd August we are looking for help.We would love to hear from you or your business if you are able to help us out this Saturday or at any of the events we are at.If you can help at one of the slots below or even pop a bucket on your...
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Fishing lure embedded in a Guillemot at Petit Bot
Posted by Steve on 21st Aug, 2014 |
Yesterday afternoon the GSPCA were called to an injured guillemot at Petit Bot.When GSPCA Ambulance Collection Officer Geoff George arrived he was faced with a very distressed and badly injured bird.The guillemot had been caught with a floating fishing lure which had 3 sets of 3 hooks embedded in...
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After sun set at the North Show please remember your pets at 10pm with the firework display
Posted by Steve on 21st Aug, 2014 |
Tonight with the fireworks at the North Show in Saumarez Park please don't forget about your pets.The firework display starts at 10pm and to see a programme of events from their website please click here.We are at the North Show once again today next to the fur and feather tent, so please pop by...
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