Jumping out of a plane for the GSPCA - Please sponsor Lorna and her sky dive
Posted by Steve on 16th Jul, 2014 |
Lorna Prince the GSPCA Animal Welfare Manager is jumping out of a plane to raise funds to help animals in Guernsey.Lorna Prince said "I am the Welfare Manager at the GSPCA and see how hard the Charity, it's volunteers and staff work to help wild and domestic animals in the Channel Islands.""The...
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Tangle the Gull caught in fishing line - GSPCA ask please keep our beaches tidy
Posted by Steve on 16th Jul, 2014 |
Yesterday the GSPCA were called to an injured juvenile gull that had been caught in fishing line.GSPCA staff had tried to catch the young gull on a number of occasions and yesterday GSPCA Warden Dave Brook managed to secure the disabled bird.The bird which was rushed to the GSPCA Animal Shelter had...
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Four friends take on the challenge of Mont Blanc to raise funds for animals in Guernsey
Posted by Steve on 15th Jul, 2014 |
Andy Alford and friends are about to do something very special to raise funds for the GSPCA. Here is a short message from him about a very brave challenge he and some of his friends are undertaking:"As some of you know and for those that don’t, myself, Guy Rogers and Ben Byrom from Guernsey plus a...
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Vale Infants Enterprise raising funds to help animals in Guernsey
Posted by Steve on 15th Jul, 2014 |
The GPSCA would like to thank the children and teachers at Vale Infants who have been raising money for the Animal Shelter.  Each year group was given £5 and they had to try and turn this into £50.Each year group did extremely well and here are the results and how they managed to raise funds...
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Drum roll...... Mr Chips the diabetic cat finds his forever home
Posted by Steve on 14th Jul, 2014 |
Staff and volunteers at the GSPCA today have both been over joyed and also had a few tears as we waved Mr Chips the very famous cat at the Shelter off to his new home.Mr Chips who has been at the Shelter since April last year has experienced many adventures whilst at the Shelter.On entry he was...
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