Today is World Turtle Day - Remembering Myrtle who was rescued 11 years ago in Guernsey and returned to Gran Canaria
Posted by Steve on 23rd May, 2014 |
Today is World Turtle Day and the GSPCA is remembering this by reflecting on a Green Turtle the Animal Shelter rescued 11 years ago this year. On the 13th January 2003 a live Green Turtle (Chelonia mydas) was stranded on the west coast of Guernsey. Elliot Green and his son who were playing football...
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Announcements of free Microchipping & local celebrity judge at the GSPCA Summer Dog Show & Fete Sunday 1st June at Fairfields
Posted by Steve on 21st May, 2014 |
We are pleased to announce two fantastic announcements regarding our Dog Show and Summer Fayre on Sunday 1s
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New Guernsey Pet Insurance Launched with the GSPCA - Rossborough gives £10 to GSPCA for every pet insurance policy taken out
Posted by Steve on 21st May, 2014 |
A NEW scheme has been launched to help protect Guernsey pets while providing funding for the island’s leading animal charity. Rossborough has pledged to give £10 to the Guernsey Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals each time an islander takes out pet insurance. The partnership is a huge...
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AFM Mufti Day helping the GSPCA - Could your business or group help animals in Guernsey?
Posted by Steve on 19th May, 2014 |
The GSPCA are always thankful to those that help raise funds for the Shelter no matter how small or large.Recently GSPCA Manager Steve Byrne was invited along to the AFM office in St Sampsons to receive a donation that the staff had raised.
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A Sunday morning of learning about saving cats lives - Animal First Aid Courses at the GSPCA
Posted by Steve on 19th May, 2014 |
Yesterday another 5 Guernsey residents learnt all about cat first aid.At the Animal Shelter we have been running a series of training courses teaching first aid, pet bereavement to animal welfare.The cat first aid course given yesterday was taken by GSPCA Manager Steve Byrne with his helper Mr...
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