Pegasus Photography Pet Portraits Pose Popular Pooch Photo's at the GSPCA - This Saturday you have your second chance
Posted by GSPCA on 25th Nov, 2013 |
On Saturday between 2 and 6pm local photographer Lisa Wright spent a very busy afternoon taking pictures of the many dogs that arrived for their Pet Portraits followed by their owners at the GSPCA Animal Shelter in St Andrews this weekend.A very popular afternoon was had and the many that attended...
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Well done to all those that completed the WEA Animal Care Course with the GSPCA and the next course starts in the New Year
Posted by GSPCA on 25th Nov, 2013 |
This January for the second time WEA are teaming-up with the GSPCA to provide a comprehensive course that not only provides essential information for pet care but tackles the wider issues of wild animal welfare in Guernsey.The course subjects include:
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Cold Weather Advice to help Animals in Guernsey from the GSPCA
Posted by GSPCA on 21st Nov, 2013 |
With cold weather on the way the GSPCA want pet owners to consider all the animals of Guernsey. During a cold snap the GSPCA are on full alert, ready to deal with a variety of animals affected by the low temperatures.Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said 'We have had a lovely Summer this year and...
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Volunteering Evenings planned for 2014 after another wonderful evening last night
Posted by GSPCA on 21st Nov, 2013 |
Last night we held our fourth Volunteer Induction Evening where 24 people of all ages came along to find out about volunteering for the GSPCA. Despite the weather the group of 24 potential new volunteers braved the weather to visit the Shelter to learn about the GSPCA, learnt about the roles...
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2nd Guernsey Cub Scout Group come for an evening visit to the GSPCA
Posted by GSPCA on 20th Nov, 2013 |
Last night the 2nd Cub Scouts with 4 leaders visited the GSPCA Animal Shelter in St Andrews.Despite being a wet, windy, dark evening the group of 30 enjoyed a tour of the premises learning about the work of the GSPCA and caring for animals.The GSPCA are always working to educate all age groups...
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