Labradog day a huge success - The most Labradors in one place in Guernsey ever
Posted by GSPCA on 15th Jul, 2013 |
With the sun shining and a fantastic view nearly 70 Labradors had a fun afternoon at the Bon Port Hotel this weekend.Organised by Cherry Dewey with her two Labradors being the first to arrive, volunteers helping on the day couldn't believe car after car pulling up with Labradors of all sorts of...
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Missing a tortoise?
Posted by GSPCA on 15th Jul, 2013 |
Currently the GSPCA have 4 stray tortoise.Last year we saw a total of nine stray tortoise and this year it looks like even more may be escaping and visiting the GSPCA.If you have lost your tortoise or any animal please contact the GSPCA to log it with the Shelter on 01481 257261.If you have lost or...
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Pickles the cat who had skin cancer is now in her new home
Posted by GSPCA on 13th Jul, 2013 |
The GSPCA team were overjoyed yesterday as Pickles the cat went off to her new home.After months of care and an operation to remove Pickles ears where the skin cancer was identified the staff and volunteers were able to wave her off to her new home.At this time of year when the sun is shining the...
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Today some Guernsey Cows popped by to visit the GSPCA team
Posted by GSPCA on 12th Jul, 2013 |
Every day the GSPCA have visitors in all sorts of shapes and sizes but the team had an extra big surprise when after lunch a local herd of cattle popped through the hedge into the Shelter grounds.Fortunately, the team care for, rescue and work with all kinds of animals and after a quick radio the...
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What to do if you see Ducklings in Guernsey
Posted by GSPCA on 12th Jul, 2013 |
It’s that time of year when the Shelter becomes the temporary home to lots of lost and abandoned ducklings who for one reason or another have found themselves separated from their mother and the rest of their brood.  This may be for a variety of reasons such as: 
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