Could you put a poster up of animals needing homes that are at the GSPCA?
Posted by GSPCA on 28th May, 2013 |
Could you help the GSPCA in helping animals find new homes?You may already have pets or aren't able to but here is a way that you can help those feathered and furry friends find a new home.We always have animals looking for new homes and the link below is a link to just a small selection. Why...
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Please help us find the owner of this stray tortoise
Posted by GSPCA on 24th May, 2013 |
The second stray tortoise we have had in at the Shelter is still looking for her owner.If you think that this may be your lost tortoise then please call the GSPCA on 257261 or pop into the Animal Shelter in St Andrews.The tortoise was found in the Vale area on the 18th May and is a female Hermans...
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World Turtle Day - Remembering Myrtle who was rescued 10 years ago in Guernsey and returned to Gran Canaria
Posted by GSPCA on 23rd May, 2013 |
Today is World Turtle Day and the GSPCA is remembering this by reflecting on a Green Turtle the Animal Shelter rescued 10 years ago this year. On the 13th January 2003 a live Green Turtle (Chelonia mydas) was stranded on the west coast of Guernsey. Elliot Green and his son who were playing football...
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Release of Bray the cormorant by the GSPCA in sunny Guernsey
Posted by GSPCA on 22nd May, 2013 |
Last night one of the Shelter volunteer wardens rescued a cormorant from St Sampsons that was trapped in a garden.After a night of TLC and plenty of fish we are pleased to announce that we were able to release him this afternoon in a very sunny St Peter Port spot.After being trapped behind a fence...
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A busy Spring at the GSPCA
Posted by GSPCA on 22nd May, 2013 |
Spring is always a busy time for the GSPCA and 2013 is no exception.Last night in just two hours the Shelter accepted a feral kitten, a stray dog, a stray cat, a cormorant that had got trapped behind a fence, an injured duck, an injured gosling, a young collared dove and an injured gull.That doesn'...
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