Microchipping to become compulsory for dogs in England by 2016
Posted by GSPCA on 6th Feb, 2013 |
It has been announced that every dog owner in England will have to microchip their animal by April 2016 to help cut the growing number of strays.  The government says owners who refuse to comply with changes to the Animal Welfare Act face fines of up to £500. In the UK Government figures...
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Thank you to all that helped find the stray huskys owner
Posted by GSPCA on 6th Feb, 2013 |
The GSPCA would like to thank everyone that helped sharing and retweeting the appeal for the owner of this lost husky that came in on Saturday.We are pleased to announce that he is now back home and we really appreciate everyone's help.The GSPCA would like to remind all dog owners that all dogs...
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GSPCA Purple Week - Celebrating 140 years Caring for Animals in Guernsey starts on Monday - let us know if you are joining in
Posted by GSPCA on 6th Feb, 2013 |
With only 5 days to the GSPCA Purple Week starting on Monday next week we are asking for your support.To help celebrate the 140th year of the GSPCA we are holding our first ever GSPCA Purple Week to help celebrate caring for animals in Guernsey.  Our official birthday is the 14th February...
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GSPCA appeal for information for a stray husky found near La Mare de Carteret Secondary School on Saturday
Posted by GSPCA on 5th Feb, 2013 |
We are pleased to say this dog is now back with his owner.The GSPCA are appealing for the owner of a stray dog.On Saturday the GSPCA were called out to collect a stray dog that was found near La Mare de Carteret Secondary School.The male, black and white husky was found with no collar and no...
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The Pet Cabin join in with GSPCA Purple Week - only a few days to go.......
Posted by GSPCA on 5th Feb, 2013 |
With GSPCA Purple Week and our 140th Birthday only a few days away the GSPCA are asking for your help.We now have a selection of counter boxes with GSPCA goods to help raise funds for animals in Guernsey with a number of local businesses involved and The Pet Cabin are the latest to join in.There...
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