Seal Pup Rescue to save Jethou Bumblebee
Posted by GSPCA on 24th Nov, 2012 |
With any rough and bad weather the GSPCA receives many calls about sick and injured animals.Yesterday just after 3pm the GSPCA had a very unusual call from Jethou.  A seal pup had been spotted coming ashore alongside the jetty and didn't seem quite right.
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Look who's checking out the Christmas Lottery Tickets on sale at the GSPCA Animal Shelter
Posted by GSPCA on 22nd Nov, 2012 |
This Tuesday staff saw a very unusual site.Geoff George the GSPCA Animal Collection Officer whilst going about his duties watched as a cormorant flew down and landed on the Christmas Lottery Ticket poster at the Shelter.  Is this a sign of good luck?  We don't know but tickets are selling...
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GsyTweetup Afternoon Tea @ OGH in aid of GSPCA
Posted by GSPCA on 21st Nov, 2012 |
GsyTweetup are holding an event that will help raise funds for the GSPCA. 
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Notice of Annual General Meeting
Posted by GSPCA on 19th Nov, 2012 |
The 130th Annual General Meeting of The Guernsey Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals will take place at 7.30pm on 27th November 2012 at The Animal Shelter, Les Fiers Moutons, St Andrews to;  To receive and approve the Audited Accounts of the Society for the years ended 31st...
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Thinking of a Christmas present for yourself or a loved one? Gift Certificates & Guided Tours on sale at the GSPCA
Posted by GSPCA on 16th Nov, 2012 |
For only five pounds you can buy a gift certificate that will give one of the animals in our care a fantastic Christmas. That’s right you will receive a certificate for yourself or someone you care for and that will enable us at the Shelter to give the animals in our care a very special Christmas...
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